[Reminder]Your account has been temporarily suspended. Spam Warning !!
We have been seeing this email:
From: Support <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2019 1:07 PM
To: Recipient
Subject: [Reminder]Your account has been temporarily suspended.
Dear Customer
We would like to inform you that you have a new message from PayPal :
Continue with Validation of your PayPal.
- To Confirm your account, please click on the link below:
The Continue to Validation link, actually points to: https://myfirstsite.mixh.jp/se/Se.se/ID90878907/files/
Which has already been marked as dangerous by Google.
We will report the site to Microsoft now...
The site shows up as a convincing PayPal site:

Except that the T&Cs link doesn't work...
The URL isn't encoded with an email by the look of it, just a folder the server owner will struggle to find.
Block the email address and mark the site as phishing if you still can...