Q Profit System

The Q Profit System is Back !! :)


The original retarded autobot trader nonsense returns...


This is their first page...

QProfitSystem - Forex and CFD Trading Robot

Why would this actor do any of the things he is saying from his script? No one gives money away except in pity. He will never pity anyone, he is a scammer. He has no shame, no humility, no heart no sole. He may as well be an advertising executive.

Enter your best email address in the form below to get immediately  SCAMMED and fake access to the QProfitSystem fake software. 

 Then they go on to say:
These people love immediate action - once the scammers have your number they will incessantly pester you until you give them all of your money, using tactics no different from the Nazis, KGB or any other thug. They will scare you, upset you, lie to you, depress you, all in the cause of extortion, and in the guise of making you rich. If they keep telling you, sooner or later you will concur.
Here is some text they hide by making it the same colour as the background so that they can show from web archives that they are not liable for your losses.