One of the tricks that Finixio love to use to take your money is to impersonate. They do it all the time. They will impersonate brands like MSN, they will impersonate people, Like Jeremy Clarkson and they will impersonate websites, like BitcoinWisdom.io. What they tend to do is either make a version of a website with a different extension or with a shortening of the domain. For instance they will run learn2.trade instead of learn2trade.com so it looks like a real, decent and useful site, when it is, in fact just a pack of lies.
So here we have BitcoinWisdom.com which is another site pretending to be a source of useful information, when in fact it is put together by the worst kind of internet con-artists.
The basic principle of all of the Finixio sites is to appear useful, so as to rank on Google and get some favourable domain authority, but to have countless fake reviews of all sorts of fake automated crypto trading robots that do not exist and send you through to boiler room scams. They prey on the desperate and ignorant and they prey without mercy. No one with a lot of money would be desperate enough to fall for these scams. These websites show no affection for the common person, they show no decency or respect.
As we can see here they are directly below the website they are impersonating when you search for BitcoinWisdom on-line with Google:

You can see that they copy words from the description of BitcoinWisdon.io so as to be confused by claiming that they give predictions, charts and news about Bitcoin when in fact they just write fake adverts for auto-trading robot scams and hide them in amongst other reviews.
We can see from their disclaimer that they are interested in sending people to trading houses, as Bitcoin predictions would not need to be accompanied by such a warning:
the BitcoinWisdom website shouldn't be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative and when you invest money, your entire capital is at risk. You should do your own research before investing in any company or product. Always remember that investment decisions are risky and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.
Investing in Bitcoin is not speculative. Spread-betting and Contracts for Differences is speculative, Bitcoin is commodity trading and is the purchase of a currency, not the speculation on it's future prices. This is a big red flag that something here is deeply wrong.
We can see from the text on the page that this website was begun in 2013, which was indeed when the domain was registered, but the archive.org shows signs it was for a podcast and was never used as a review site up until very recently:

As you can see the only content ever seen up until and since 2016 was a single podcast audio file. Presumably Darren Eggenschwiler didn't get round to using the domain and either the registration lapsed or he sold it to Finixio. More likely the former as Finixio would have known that a lapsed Bitcoin domain will allow them to appear as if they have been around a while rather than being identified as just another scammer review site.
What do BitcoinWisdom.com Review?
In the most part they review scams by making up a fake review. they even hide the link to them all at the bottom of the website so that the Google spider can see they are all linked on the front page but the innocent reader cannot:

Every fake auto-trading robot scam we've ever heard of is here and a few we haven't. This kind of merciless harvesting of scammer affiliate network link fees really is a sign of madness. How you could employ people to write decent reviews and articles and then sneak this in under the radar? What a bunch of weasels!
Why Do BitcoinWisdom.com Review Robots That Don't Exist?
For affiliate fees from scammer brokers and because they are part of the group that runs the boiler room scammer brokers, it really is that simple. They are the people taking your money. They do the lying and then they use affiliate networks to cover up the fact that they are the scammers. The money goes into the website overseas through fake companies registered in the Caribbean and elsewhere. This gives them plausible deniability that they are just stupid affiliates who did not realise they were sending you to a scam even though none of the rubbish they supposedly review even exists, they can just say they were writing what they had to write to get the affiliate fees.
How Can I Spot a Fake Review?
Typically they all use the same questions and include a fake trial by a supposed journalist ostensibly using the software to make sure that it works as described, but the trials are always of the same format and full of stock photos of families and fake bank balances and cashiers cheques. They also include a three step process to registering on the app so that the boiler room scammers have your number. The general idea here is to get you on the phone when you are still in shock at the idea of becoming rich easily and quickly.
In general, all of the boiler room scammers use the same registration form because they are so lazy and cannot programme a new contact form. Because of this the suggested mobile number in all of the forms is the same - 07400 123456 every time - and so if this is showing in any form you see do not fill in any form with 07400 123456 as the suggested number!

So here is a perfect example. We can see that the mobile number suggested is 07400 123456 just as it is with all of the scammers - these sites are on the same affiliate deal as all of the other boiler room scammers or they are the ones that run the whole operation! Either way if you enter you details the boiler room scammers will be on the phone in no time. They prepare you for the phone call by telling you that a FREE personal account manager is on the way...
As you can see the registration form is right at the top of the review, so they are planning to take advantage of people who do not want to take the time to read the review. They just try and trick people with a stupid graph explaining the fees (all lies) and different capabilities of an app that is completely fake. All of the signs of the scam are here. Two-hundred and fifty dollars to get started, the first question is Is Bitcoin Prime a Scam? and the never ending slurry of conclusions all the way down the review to try and persuade you to sign up whilst still in their scam fervour:

They address many features of these apps (even though none of it is true) in order to pad out the text, so we will return the favour here.
Is Bitcoin Prime Easy to Use?
No, because it doesn't exist so it is not easy to use. We searched the Android Google Play app store for Bitcoin Prime but could only find a couple of fake apps that either showed trading prices for BTC and other crypto-currency that tried to get you to enter you phone number, or an app that just opened another copy of the Bitcoin Prime website trying to get you to sign-up there. Either way they were both a scam.
Does Bitcoin Prime Give Quick Trade Executions?
No, because it doesn't make any trades, it just tries to get your phone number so that the boiler room scammers can phone you up and destroy your bank balance by sending it as crypto-currency to offshore, unregulated fake brokers who will then disappear and start up again under a different name, operating the same scam. Nothing can easily stop them apart from raising awareness, so please do link to this site to get the word out!
Does Bitcoin Prime Operate High Accuracy Trading Strategies?
No, because it doesn't have a trading strategy. None of the apps we have downloaded have displayed any ability to trade automatically or even manually. None of the brokers we have seen are registered to perform legal operations either in Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia or North or South America. We did not perform a check of their ability to trade in Antarctica so you would have to do your own research there.
Is There A Charge Associated with the Bitcoin Prime Software Licensing?
Do you mean a software license being charged for browsing the website? Well if this was going to be true it would be a first as the software is being made available to all for free just by it being a website. You do not download the entirety of a website so you do not have to pay a license. Only the HTML client side part of a website is downloaded along with some images. The website has to pay the image rights owner to display the images but to pay for the images themselves you have to strike a separate deal with the people reading the website. Usually they only pay for images if they want to publish the images themselves. As stated previously the app that is supposedly Bitcoin Prime is just another contact detail harvesting mock-up and is worthless as any kind of trading robot.
Is Bitcoin Prime Globally Accessible?
It wouldn't be much of a website if it wasn't, would it? Of course it is globally accessible. That is what the Internet is, globally accessible. The TCP/IP 4&6 protocols along with various other services like DNS allow for the website address to be communicated around the world and to be shared and viewed by all. That is the problem. Everyone is in danger of these boiler room scams and it is difficult to work out who to bring to justice because of the difficulty of international law being without nation or service to enforce it.
Easy Registration for an Account
Bitcoin Prime is without doubt one of the easiest things to register for. Once you have entered your contact details into the boiler room scammer form, you are quite literally f**ked. It is time to get a new phone number! You are also signed-up with an offshore, unregulated scammer broker (who is really just a website and a business name registered in the Caribbean) that show you a fake trading interface designed to keep you busy while they make a run for it with your money.
Low Deposit Required
But then this is just the sure sign of a scam. If you deposit two-hundred and fifty dollars and are supposed to win four-thousand in a week then you are reading a scam site. No one would promise that kind of profit margin unless they were criminals or insane. To promise an accuracy rating in print is the surest sign of a scam as no one would ever insure or legally back that kind of promise. The AI robot could lose all of your money in a heartbeat and who would you blame? Are you going to aue an AI? The whole idea is s o stupid that it is undoubtedly a black hole for money.
Fast Verification
Of course it is. They don't do any verification. The idea is to get you from mindless euphoria to deposit as quickly as possible so that you have no time to doubt your actions. Then they can get on the phone and shake you down for the rest of your savings (which you will deposit as they will depress you and frighten you until you crack) and then do the disappearing trick. That is the boiler room scam in action.
A Variety of Deposit Options
Well, actually there is only one method of depositing and that is the bit where you throw all of your money into a bottomless pit forever. You will never see you deposit again or any of the money you send through to these criminals so perhaps deposit is a misnomer. A donation would be a fairer name as you are making a donation to a bunch of criminals and they will not be giving anything to anyone in return.
Quick Withdrawal
This is a constant feature of all of these scammer websites. They tell you that the withdrawal process is quick, but it is anything but. They use a couple of different methods to stop you getting your money back. The first is the authorisation method. They start asking for driving licenses, passports and all sorts of other documentation that they didn't require to take a deposit and delay and delay until you start to realise it is a scam. The second if the fake CFD trading option. They suddenly start depleting your account because the robot has suddenly made a bad trade and you have lost money. This happens a few more times until there is ostensibly nothing left to withdrawal and they point you to the fine print. We warned you and you didn't listen. Why are you so upset?
Friendly Trader User Interface
Well there isn't one, and we would consider that pretty unfriendly. To pretend that you have tested a user interface and for it to turn out that there isn't one is just not that friendly a way to treat people at all. It is called fraud. Anyone that tells you they have a good friend who is fraudulent sounds a bit mad to us. Fraud is financial assault and they use all sorts of methods to make you think it was your fault. There is no user interface and there is no app. How friendly could that really be?
Customer Service
Well there are two halves to their customer service. There are the seemingly good guys and the pushy phone thieves. The pushy phone thieves are the ones who get you to deposit all of your money. They start out by getting a few thousand into the account and then doctor the interface to make it look like you are producing an amazing profit. Then they tell you to deposit more. Once they are convinced that they have everything that you have then they change the interface to another setting. Your balance starts to dwindle and as soon as you start trying to make a withdrawal, then the balance suddenly drops to zero. This is the boiler room scam in action.
Another way to spot scam review is that they ask the most ridiculous question within the reviews. Let's take a look at an example on BitcoinWisdom.com, let's examine the review of a known boiler room scam using a fake auto-trading robot, Bitcoin Prime.

Is Bitcoin Prime a Scam?
Yes, of course it is. Who else would ask if the scam was a scam other than a scammer trying to reassure people that it isn't a scam. You don't see the Economist asking if the FTSE is a scam, that would be ridiculous as everyone reading the Economist knows what the FTSE is. The people reading BitcoinWisdom.com are assumed to be ignorant of what Bitcoin Prime is and so the scammers simply tell them that it is not a scam and then present the reader with another chance to enter their contact details into the boiler room scam registration form so that they can be defrauded.
So as you can see BitcoinWisdom.com is definitely run by scammers who may employ proper journalists to write proper articles, but the intent of the website is to defraud beyond any reasonable doubt.
What is the Function BitcoinWisdom.com?
The function of BitcoinWidsom.com is to hide boiler room fraud behind and amongst Bitcoin and cryptocurrency articles. The website is exactly the same in essence as all of the other fake review websites operated by Real Media and Finixio and all of the other fake review scammer sites on-line. Their reviews are totally without substance and created to a template of lies so as to be long enough to fool the search engines into thinking that any of these scams are true. The review we just looked at is a huge amount of text saying nothing related to reality at all. They ask the same questions of every scam. Has it been on television? Was a scam featured on Dragon's Den? Was it funded by Jeremy Clarkson and for every question the answer is no. That means that misinformation and these sites go hand in hand. The only reason they are asking these stupid questions is because they print fake news articles claiming that Gordon Ramsey actually made all of his money out of Bitcoin Prime or some other idiot auto-trading robot. BitcoinWisdom.com is a scam!
Is BitcoinWisdom.com Legit?
No, it's a scam through and through. It is made by a scammer company that defrauds people for thousands of pounds every month and that must be brought to justice. If you can offer any assistance in evidence, proof, previous cases or simply having worked with these people, please do get in touch.