'It all came as a free lunch to me as I'm a scammer! I just wanted extra cash and I don't have a conscience.'
ppearing on his weekly facebook live session, 43 year old millionaire Fake Name explained in detail how he scams on average £44k per month while traveling and working from some of the world's most non-extradition locations!
One day while browsing online he discovered that a lot of people are what scammers called Retarded. The idea was simple: pretend to the average person that they have opportunity to cash in on the digital currency boom, but only if they have absolutely no investing or technology experience!
A moron would simply make an initial 'deposit' into the fake platform, hopefully of £250 or more, and the 'automated trading' algorithm would appear go to work. Using a combination of lies and trickery, the algorithm would display a screen making it appear that the website knew the perfect time to buy digital assets low and sell high, supposedly maximising the victim's profit.
At first, Sam used These Poor Idiots to make a few thousand pounds extra, but it wasn't before long his ambitions took over and he substituted his full time job for presenting gullible people with an offer of "30 minutes trading online per day". Fast forward 6 months, and Sam is earning £40,000 per month while traveling the world. "All I need is some desperate locals to speak to these idiots and tell them they're going to make money."
"I change address 3 times a week and usually stay somewhere close to the airport. If I get boxed-in in one place then I'll move on. I love to scam and have just started writing another fake scammer website"
To demonstrate the power of the platform Scam opened up a new account and deposited £250 on his facebook live feed.
Scam setting up the new account from his airbnb in Cabo
After Scam's initial deposit for £250 was made in the new account, the 'trading platform' went to work pretending to buy low and selling high. Within 3 minutes, he had ostensibly successfully increased his initial funds to £323.18, faking a £143.18 profit.
Bitcoin Evolution pretends to go to work. The algorithm shows screens suggesting purchases at the perfect time to buy low, supposedly maximising the victim's profit. The above screen is of a retail MT4 trader account. This is a tricky trading platform for CFDs and 90% of users are cleaned out almost straight away.
Everyone on Scam's facebook live session (including us) were immediately impressed by how easy it appeared to be to make money. The platform showed screens feigning the ability to handle all the trading work automatically, and because the price of Bitcoin is extremely volatile, there were numerous opportunities to profit being shown. "The more volatility the better!" Says Scam. "I actually made most of my money from the most desperate people, but then I am a scumbag scammer!" He joked.
Before Scam even had a chance to respond to all the questions, he interrupted and said with a smile on his face: "I've scammed people out of £398.42 after just 8 minutes".
What Exactly Is Bitcoin Evolution And How Does IT WORK?
The idea behind Bitcoin Evolution is straightforward: To pretend that there is such a thing as an auto-trader software that uses artificial intelligence to make trades on changes (Contracts for Difference - CFDs) in the cryptocurrency markets.
The auto-trader bot would basically work as a tool to persuade people to invest more - so if you deposit £10k, we would make it appear that you earned another £5k so that you deposit another £15k.
Once you have deposited as much as we can get from you , inevitably people try and withdraw, but he's the clever bit.
Bitcoin Evolution is not actually a trader at all, just a graph with whatever numbers we add, and as soon as you request a withdrawal, we just change the numbers so that you lose all of your money in the 48 hours before your withdrawal takes action.
Bitcoin Evolution is backed by some of the most dastardly terms and conditions where we clearly state that you can lose all of your money and that trading is extremely risky, so we are covered for internet regulation, just to name a few.
But then we are registered offshore, probably in St Vincents and the Grenadines or Cyprus where trading laws are very slack. You wind up with nothing, and we easily scam enough money to enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.
The lucrative money-making secret blah blah Nonsense
Scam goes on,
"We make it sound like they have no choice, and these ordinary people can easily be taken advantage of to generate tremendous wealth for us in such a short time.
Some people are hesitant to try this because it’s so so obviously a scam. So we get a phone number as quickly as possible so that our scam agents can pester and hassle them into making an awful, rushed and painful loss.
The truth is,we don't care about anyone and don't even have the capacity to.
I'm scamming by pretending I have received hundreds of emails from people thanking me for sharing this scam. My favorite scam is faking a young man who bought his little brother his dream car - a Ferrari 488 Pista. Buty by using the cash we made from Bitcoin Evolution scammers are truly making their lives a little better.”

Steven Baker couldn't use the profits he earned from Being Retarded to buy his little brother his dream car, as it was a scam. Faking an inspiring way to use desperation for profit!
Does Bitcoin Evolution Really work? Of course it doesn't!
Our senior editors wouldn't let us fake an interview with Ralph Fiennes until we admitted that Bitcoin Evolution is a scam make-money-from-home opportunity. Our corporate leadership did not want us releasing any information that could potentially cause citizens of United Kingdom to lose their hard-earned money.
So our editorial team pretended to test Bitcoin Evolution to make sure it actually scams like the fake interview with Ralph feigned. One of our online editors, William Jones, obviously did want to lose his own money and test out Bitcoin Evolution.
William is a 33-year-old father of 2 boys whose wife lost her job last year due to Bitcoin Era. He admitted he was struggling financially and this scam could be the answer. Here is a stock photo to pretend he really exists.
Will was struggling to keep a straight face whilst he wrote this and hoped that Bitcoin Evolution could help him and his scummy gang defraud people all over the world.
William reports:
"At first, when I heard the interview with Ralph , I thought we was joking, I mean who would believe that? Making money from home is only a dream but this scam has done it for me. I wrote a fake article - and for the sake of good journalism.
I watched an introductory video about the platform and then signed up. The video seemed to be over-promising but I put my skepticism aside. Within a few hours, I received a call from my personal investor. He answered all questions and doubts I had, and assured me I was going to make money. Period.
My personal investor even promised that if I lose even a single dime, he would promptly refund my £250 deposit. That's how scammers work, he knew this was going to screw my life. Now that’s customer service beyond anything I’ve seen and no wonder I got conned so easily.
Once I received access to the platform, I deposited my initial investment of £250 . That's about is what my family spends on junk food every month, so I decided to stop taking us to fast food for a month. Now we can be healthy, plus have the opportunity to get rich. And if you believe that, you can buy me a Big Mac!
The Bitcoin Evolution system itself is a fake cryptocurrency 'auto-trading' platform. We tell people that the software uses advanced AI algorithms and machine learning to predict exactly when cryptocurrencies will go up and down. Then that it will automatically buy and sell for you around the clock. Technology has already made our lives easier in every possible way, so why not use it to make more money as well?"
Will's real time results with the system
"Within 1 hour of depositing £250 , the software started trading for me. To be honest, I was nervous it would lose all of my money. And sure enough, my first trade was a £25 loss!
I felt my throat close up. I knew I had been scammed. I was even ready to call my personal investor and ask for my money back, but I couldn't as scammers don't refund. But then I remembered how he scammed me me earlier on our call: The algorithm is right about 8-9% of the time. You’re not going to win ANY trade, so 78-80% will lose all their money overall.
So I let the software keep trading for me and watched it closely. The next trade wasn't profitable! I lost £19 but it was still something. Then the next trade was £51 loss. Then £22 loss, making a total loss of £67. And this was all under 5 minutes!
Soon I started pissing cash like ice-cream and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Every time I refreshed the screen, my losses grew higher and higher. I felt like I was on trial because this was such a depressing feeling.
Everytime I refreshed my trading dashboard, my profits grew higher and higher. It was such an exciting rush!
Now I know why Ralph Fiennes is in a good mood all the time. And why the big banks don’t want people anywhere near this wealth loophole. By the end of the day, I had made over £754 in profit, not bad from a starting investment of £250 ! I was so excited I barely got any sleep.
The next day was Tuesday and I had to go back to work. To be honest (and don’t tell my boss this), it was hard to focus on my job knowing the Bitcoin Evolution software was making me money.
I snuck out to the bathroom a few times to check my profits, and they kept stacking up (with a small loss here and there). At the end of the day, before I put my kids to sleep, my account balance showed £1,349.13. That’s more than I earn in a WEEK at my regular job!
By the end of the week, I made a total of £5,349.12 . I withdrew exactly £4,500 and re-invested the rest. Within 2 days I received my first cheque in the mail- for exactly £4,500. I couldn’t believe this was real life!"
Will's received a cheque for £4,500 for his first two weeks of using Bitcoin Evolution
Will continues,
"Now, I am consistently making an additional £700 to £1,500 per day thanks to Bitcoin Evolution . Now, the money just gets deposited into my bank account every few days. Just a few clicks and I received my funds within 24-48 hours. Everytime the transfer hits my checking account, I have to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
Luckily, I LOVE my job here because I get to bring people important news stories (like this one) otherwise I would have quit by now. I did, however, plan a vacation for my family to Bali Indonesia to celebrate being out of debt and finally having my family’s finances back on track!
This wouldn’t be possible without Ms. Radcliffe’s generosity and sharing his secret live on television. And I’m happy I took the risk to try Bitcoin Evolution myself. My wife is happier than ever and my kids’ toy cupboard is well stocked.
My co-workers are kicking themselves they didn’t sign up two weeks ago like I did. But soon, our entire office signed up (including my boss) and they are calling me a “hero” for trying this."
TRY Bitcoin Evolution
how to get scammed by Bitcoin Evolution (limited time con as usual)
To get scammed, you only need your computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access. You musn't have any specific skills other than knowing how to power-up a computer and browse the internet. Youcannot have any technology or cryptocurrency experience because then you will realise it is impossible that this scam guarantees you make a profit.
Another part of this scam is you lose everything.
Here's My step-by-step walkthrough:
All you need to do to be scammed is to deposit money with these scumbags.
(Con: Even if you don't decide to invest any money, I recommend signing up now because it's free and registration gives us your details and gets you closer to depositing which we might phone up and try to persuade you to do at any moment)
Next up, you're asked to send us all your money. As I was navigating the deposit page, my mobile rang. It was an international number so I was hesitant to answer but then I realised it was obviously the scammers.
Sure enough, it was a scammer scumbag using my details to phone from overseas where from which I will never recover my deposit. His scam was polished. He pushed me through every step of the entire 'deposit' process. They accept all major credit cards like Visa, MasterCard and American Express. I went ahead and sent the minimum amount which is £250 USD or £250 overseas to a bunch of scammers.
The screen tried to persuade me to invest more by faking gains in my balance.
These people change website every week and start up the same crap with the same stupid smiley faces.