The Bitcoin Circuit Scam - Supposedly 'An Official Website 2022'
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What is Bitcoin Circuit?
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Bitcoin Circuit is a concept. It is not a real concept, but an imaginary one. It is designed to fill an investor with confidence in something that has no reality. It is a confidence trick, perpetrated by conmen. In modern parlance, it is known as a scam.

There are many, many websites proposing the reality of Bitcoin Circuit. There are many reviews of it online, so how then, can it not exist? Welcome to the world of the affiliate network scammers...
An affiliate network is a business conducted to get more business for other businesses. In other words, you go to an affiliate network and open an account, and offer any affiliate of yours a sum of money for every customer they can bring to your site. Now if your site is making five thousand dollars from every customer, you are going to be prepared to pay hundreds of dollars for each prospect arriving. This is how the Bitcoin Circuit scam began.
Where Did Bitcoin Circuit Come From?
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Quite simply, the offshore, unregulated CFD scammers realised that if they pay seven hundred dollars for each prospect and give the affiliates a fantasy product to sell their scam with, not only will they get a lot of customers who do not realise what is about to happen, they are also no longer actually misrepresenting themselves, they have the affiliates do that for them.
So here we reach the modern day boiler room scam. Who is actually breaking the law? Every prospect is warned at the bottom of the site that CFD trading is very dangerous and you can lose all of your money, and most people do. Yet this people sign-up anyway, because at the top of the site, it tells them that Bitcoin Circuit is an automated trading robot that hardly ever loses. That is why there are so many Bitcoin Circuit sites, each one represents another affiliate network. That is also why there are so many fake reviews, each one is a way of taking that seven hundred dollars per victim.
One of the latest examples of the Bitcoin Circuit scam sites is at
They have a new green site that claims the same old nonsense - make millions with no skill and without doing any work at all. People still fall for it too!
What Do Bitcoin Circuit Claim?
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Under step three or the 'How to start using Bitcoin Circuit' section, we see the statement: 'We think that most most people should use the auto-trade function' which will apparently show prospective traders how things work. This idea is a sure sign of a scam. There is no way that any sane person would leave their savings and investments in the hands of a computer that they have no idea as to the whereabouts of.
What Do Bitcoin Circuit Actually Disclose?
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There is a large disclaimer at the bottom of the site explaining that CFD options trading is highly speculative and you are telling us to leave the choices in the hands of a computer that has already been acquitted of blame by your disclaimer? That is just madness.
This is indisputable proof that this website and the people who wrote the copy have full understanding that this website is a scam! There is simply no other explanation.
This means that these three steps that they are instructing the reader to take:
- Create an account
- Add money
- Start trading
Are undoubtedly instructions with the purpose of defrauding whoever is reading them, and that is a fact!
So we will iterate here, using the idiotic subtitle method so enjoyed by these scammers, what Bitcoin Circuit is, and why you should never go anywhere near it.
What is the Bitcoin Circuit Scam?
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Bitcoin Circuit is an advertising campaign according to the brokers that operate it. And when we say operate, we mean the people who you will encounter if you input your details into a Bitcoin Circuit website. This does not mean that they are the actual operators of the website where you entered your details, it just means that they are paying fees to the operator of that website so that they can defraud you at a profit. Typically the brokers that you wind up encountering (known as boiler room scammers) pay around $700 USD to the affiliates for a successfully defrauded victim, so you see the rewards for defrauding you are significant. If you can send them five or six victims a day from a static website then you are doing very nicely indeed.
Why you should choose Bitcoin Circuit?
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There is absolutely no reason to choose Bitcoin Circuit above Bitcoin Rush, Bitcoin Era, Bitcoin Loophole, Bitcoin Lifestyles, Bitcoin Trader, Immediate Edge or Brexit Millionaire. They are all exactly the same thing. An advertising campaign that uses blatant lies with which to defraud and disillusion people into being defrauded out of their savings and earnings.
What does Bitcoin Circuit really do?
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Simply put, Bitcoin Circuit gets people into a certain state of mind. A state of mind that no one making a financial decision should ever find themselves in. A euphoria of fantasy that has no bearing on real life, that has no bearing on their actual situation and, most importantly, a feeling with no possible realisation in their own lives. In short, it bewilders them into being ripped off, with what is commonly known as a confidence trick or con.
Who runs Bitcoin Circuit?
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We wish we could tell you. There are companies that we have identified that use the Bitcoin Circuit (as well as many others) campaigns and that are traceable to the UK and other countries, even traceable to a specific address. But this is not the truth about who runs these scams. The scams are run by the offshore boiler room brokers. They distribute the marketing material (including Bitcoin Circuit) to all of their affiliates, along with their affiliate codes. These offshore boiler room scammers operate out of companies registered in Belize, Cyrpus, St Vincent's and the Grenadines and Ukraine, but the call centres are in the UK, Australia or Italy. They have people that communicate with the victims in their own country, but that is not a legal site of the company. These call centres operate from a different legal entity entirely, and we would love to hear from anyone who has ever worked as a boiler room boy or girl. We promise we will not disclose any of your details, but we would love to find out about the company names and addresses.
Who gets the money from Bitcoin Circuit?
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Well it is divided up amongst many. First of all it is transferred away (often by crypto) to accounts unknown and the crypto buy and sell process launders the money tax free. The money is then disseminated through the ranks. It is presumably divided up whilst still in crypto to avoid any bank fees and then sold by each department so that everyone can be paid. They have to pay the call centre staff in the UK, the website affiliates worldwide, the website designers in Russia, the cloudflare and namecheap companies in the US and Europe, and the company registration partners in the Caribbean. They all have to be paid before the actual instigators can tell their profit from the defraudment. Once this has been calculated they will know how much money they can take and how much has to remain so that new domain names can be bought, new websites designed and new affiliates be paid.
How does Bitcoin Circuit Work?
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It is based entirely upon greed, as many industries are today. The scammers defraud people and then offer money to others who will provide them more victims. Because the fees paid when a victim is found are significant, many people are fighting over website rankings and advertising to be sure that they are the path by which the victim arrives at the boiler room scammers. This means that the websites have good ranking as Google detects all of the competition and assumes it is a sign of a decent site as everyone is so keen to link to it. The site then begins to climb above all of the sites pointing out it is a scam and starts to defraud people. On top of this many of the site pay for third parties to conduct accurate reviews of the competition so that their site begins to rank more favourably than others. They impersonate decent sites in order to defraud people with certain links, like so may of the affiliates now. This affiliate network of nonsense pulls in the innocent and helps to defraud them out of their cash.
Where is Bitcoin Circuit registered?
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As a company, there is no such thing as Bitcoin Circuit. It simply does not exist. As you can see from the about us page disclaimer below, there is nothing to allow these people to be traced:

The only text is designed to stop people bothering to try tracking them down. If we look at their internet records, we can see that they are hidden by third party proxy services:
IP Addresses |
Organization |
First Seen |
Last Seen |
Duration Seen | |
Cloudflare, Inc. |
2021-06-22 (4 months) |
2021-06-22 (4 months) |
1 day | |
Cloudflare, Inc. |
2020-05-28 (1 year) |
2021-06-22 (4 months) |
1 year | |
Cloudflare, Inc. |
2019-10-03 (2 years) |
2020-05-28 (1 year) |
8 months |
For their email records, we see that they use Zoho mail so they are likely a team of people using this email domain:

How much can I make from Bitcoin Circuit?
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If you sign up with Bitcoin Circuit and are put through to an offshore unregulated broker and get involved in CFD trading, you are in a very tight spot indeed. Firstly there is the fact that CFDs are contracts with the broker themselves. It is true that in theory you temporarily own some portion of stock or asset for the period of the contract, but from the name of the Bitcoin Circuit campaign, you will likely be trading CFDs on cryptocurrency which pay no dividends and therefore will be due no monies in the duration of your CFD contract length. Because your broker is completely unregulated, they are not bound by any rules or regulations whilst dealing with you. They could give you any advice they wished - and it would be to their advantage for you to lose all of your money as they have to pay when you win (remember the contract CFD is with them) without being liable to refund you anything. There is a high likelihood though, that the trading screen you are viewing is completely false and is just a phantom screen to keep you busy while they disappear. In other words, the most likely outcome is that you will lose all of your money.
Are there any hidden fees with Bitcoin Circuit?
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Bitcoin Circuit and their partners most likely employ highly leveraged accounts, which means that you are speculating with money that you do not have. This means that if you make a wrong call on a trade with 1% of your deposit, and you are leveraged 1:100 on your trade, you lose every penny you have deposited with them,, instantly. You are now broke and legitimately so. No court in the world can get you your money back even if you ever did trace who was responsible. That is often how the 74% of traders who lose their money are scuppered.
Is Bitcoin Circuit Secure?
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Well it is run on an SSL certificate so the action of you sending your contact details to the site is certainly secure. The problem is that then they send your details to every partner they have in the hope that one of them will catch you at the right time to get you to deposit money. Once all of those people have your details you might as well throw your phone away as it has become completely compromised until you get a new SIM card with a new number. Your identity will be sold and resold and resold until everyone who will pay online has your details, to impersonate you and to defraud you. They may even sell the details to identity theft scammers who will attempt to sell your details for fake passports etc. So in a word, no, it is definitely not in any way secure.
Can I recover money I have lost to Bitcoin Circuit?
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Well it depends what you mean by recover. If you are talking about tracking down the culprits and making them pay you back by breaking their fingers with a welding mallet, then no. No you will not find these people as they not individuals, but a network of scammers who play a small part in a big scam. There is no culprit as they are all quite guilty, and have all taken some of the money. This means that unless you are prepared to go on some sort of Liam Neeson one-by-one torture-until-confession mission, you are not going to recover any of your funds. If you are talking about being reimbursed, then that is a different matter. If you live in somewhere like Australia or the US then you have a good chance of making a case to your bank that you have been swindled and getting them to perform a chargeback based upon their insurance from fraud. Now no bank is going to do this happily, but if you assemble a case against the people that defrauded you and can demonstrate clearly that it is an obvious fraud, then you can very likely recover some or all of the money. If you bank in a country where the system has not had so long to re-evolve following the Soviets or similar, then you are going to have more difficulty. The processes are not as clearly defined in some of the Eastern European countries and the staff not so well versed with procedure. We have not heard of many recoveries successfully completed in post-Soviet nations, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep trying until processes improve. If you can make yourself enough of a nuisance then you will always have a better chance.
Can recovery companies help me get my money back from Bitcoin Circuit?
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Once again, it depends on exactly what you mean. If you mean 'can they help me organise my case' then yes, they can, but do you really need someone to help you remember the details and assemble a report? You can do this yourself for free. It is the bank that require the case, not a recovery company, so your place of contact needs to be your bank. There is no need to call in a lawyer or solicitor unless all else has failed and even then you must ascertain if you can engage them on a 'no win no fee' basis. After all, you have already been swindled, you do not need anyone else taking money up-front.
What should I do if I have been swindled by Bitcoin Circuit?
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Start with the bank.
- How did you pay?
- When did you pay?
- Where are the statements?
- Where did the money go?
- Do you have phone records?
- What were the names of your contacts?
- What was the website?
- What did they tell you was going to happen?
- Do you have paperwork?
All of these questions need to be answered as quickly and accurately as possible for you to be able to have the best chance of getting the bank to take action. Look at the evidence you are presenting and try and find holes in it before the bank does, it will save you time in the long run.
Why don't Google block Bitcoin Circuit?
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This is the most perplexing question of all. We are just in the process of making a video about the differences between the browsers and why the Google secured browsers are so hopeless at protecting people. As soon as you go near these site with Microsoft Edge you experience pages and sites being blocked, but the official Bitcoin Circuit sites do not appear to be blocked by either. Have a look at the madness of it all:
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Do not send any money to these sites or the sites associated with them!
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