Bitcoin Era ™ | The Official Bitcoin Era App
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What is Bitcoin Era?
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Bitcoin Era appears to be an advertising campaign for what are known as boiler room scammers who run offshore, unregulated 'broker' houses that trick you into sending them your money.
The scam is relatively simple - convince you that they can make you money and then convince you that you lost it trading, when actually they just stole it while you were looking at a fake trading screen.
Bitcoin Era have an official site at: & and seem to use the same site as Bitcoin Revolution & Bitcoin trader:

This is a very serious red flag as it means that either all of these products are developed by the same group and do the same thing, or there is no Bitcoin Era and they are just pedalling the same product or deal under lots of different names. Either way this is a sure sign of deception and that means that this is not a bonafide trading tool.
What Does Bitcoin Era Do?
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Let's have a look through the content to decide which of the two are true..
One of the early claims they make is: Thousands of people have already gained financial freedom by trading with us.
OK so let's register and gain financial freedom:
Well the system just seems to register us with an offshore, unregulated CFD broker, which doesn't help us much. Another big red flag!
This is sufficient confirmation that Bitcoin Era is a boiler room scam and has nothing to do with auto-trading, AI, quantum computing ot cryptocurrency. The Bitcoin Era site is out to defraud anyone that arrives there before they have time to think.
Can I Make Money with Bitcoin Era?
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You cannot make money with this boiler room scam. It is a confidence trick, made by liars. Liars tend to work in the same way, the tricks are always the same because being a liar is condition, and once you start you cannot stop.
A liar will promote a story that takes investigation in the opposite direction to the truth. If they have stolen something they will explain that they have been robbed, or that they saw someone committing the crime and tried to step in. They will make themselves central to the situation, but on the opposite side to the incriminated. That is how they work, by leading you away from the truth.
As we saw earlier, Bitcoin Era is the same website as many other scams just like these. They are common on the internet and are often advertised by Google, Facebook or Twitter. These sites can be dangerous if you do not know what to look for. We recommend keeping up to date with our Blog and our YouTube channel so that you do not get defrauded by these scammers.
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Bitcoin Era are currently advertising at: and also at
They get their fees from:
As it says at the bottom: Trading involves a high level of risks, even when following and/or copying or replicating the top-performing traders. This Website is not responsible for your actions.
This Website may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you.
This means that their information is an advert and not advice. It is not trustable and you should not sign up unless you understand CFD and ForEx spread-betting. You can lose your life savings in an afternoon even if you do not bet it all! One too many big red flags!
Can I get My Money Back from Bitcoin Era?
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No, not from the scammers. They warn you at the bottom of every website that you could lose all your money and that CFD trading is highly dangerous and that leveraged products mean that you can lose much more than you wager, so there is not really that much easily identifiable crime going on here. The fact that there is no real trading system is very difficult to prove and is not even true in all cases. there are a lot of variations of these scams. Some are real trading houses that just trick you into making the wrong bid and clean you out. Others are fake from the word go and just have fake interfaces to bewilder and confuse you. Either way CFD trading is not for the inexperienced and should never be attempted by novices with offshore brokers who are not accountable for their actions.
If can you get your money back from your bank, that is the best option. They do have a responsibility to guard your money after all. Do not get a recovery company involved as these are just second bite scammers after some of the money that your bank should be repaying you anyway. Your bank can recover your money, just make sure you give them everything they ask for. It does not take any specialist knowledge to recover your money and these boiler room scam recovery companies have no special knowledge, power or qualification anyway.
How Can I Protect Myself from these Scams?
Well we recommend reading our advice pages which describe how these scams work and who they target, particularly this page: How Do I Avoid Being Scammed?
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Do not send them Bitcoin Era or Finixio your contact details or funds!