The latest News Spy website - we take a look at this product and decide whether it can help traders or brokers, or if it is another affiliate forwarding service to brokers that wish to hide their product from advertisers or hide their identity from customers until they have successfully harvested that customer's contact details.
Here is a glimpse of the website as it is, currently live at:
Now as we can see, the first available interaction with this site is to hand over your details, but they have supplied a terms and conditions page, so let's see if they are telling us where our details will go and what they will be used for:
So we can see that the company, or at least a company, that is related to this text, is called: MTS Advertise OU and appear to be stationed in Estonia.
Reading through the T&Cs the News Spy website stipulates the following:
- They are not liable for the reliability of the information on their own website.
- They may forward your details to an unlimited number of undisclosed partners and third parties.
- That the relevance or the legality of any services you are connected to are not guaranteed and that you must check for your self (in other words, this site is completely pointless)
- That they can use any information you supply for any means they stipulate
All of the above are a huge red flag and suggest that this app is not real or legal.
Then there is the statement:
If you would like to discontinue receipt of the Subscription Content, simply email us at [email protected]
So let's take a look at which sounds like a ForEx related site.
It just forwards you to various different offshore unregulated brokers:

So not a great sign - this is another big red flag in terms of honesty and integrity.
OK, let's try and sign up for this app as the T&Cs don't seem to help much:

Well they will not let us on to the system without speaking to someone. This seems pretty unreasonable as they have already told us that they can share our number with anyone they wish. I am certainly not prepared to send my number to anyone anywhere in the world based on a single website.
it does now show a part of the T&Cs that were not on the terms page???:
Important Risk Note: Trading can generate notable benefits; however, it also involves a risk of partial/full funds loss, and should be considered by initial investors.
I think what they mean by 'and should be considered by initial investors' is 'should not be considered by initial investors' as otherwise the language makes no sense.
If they mean that it should be thoroughly thought through before being considered, then why they hell are they using this stupid 'News Spy' site to tray and recruit people?
Well I think we know why:
The News Spy is a: SCAM !!!
Do not trust any broker you may encounter connected with or affiliated with this site in any way!