Who are claim-international.com?
Here we have another company that can get your money back from offshore scammer..
The first thing I find interesting about this company, is that they actually advertise on their home page with Google Ads. This is interesting because you have to have a certain number of views per month and you have to have content that people will be drawn to to bring the traffic required, none of which is present on Claim International.

This is, after all, a website where you are looking to harvest custom, so the last thing that you want is an advert that will draw people away to your competitors, as Google Ads will optimise themselves to do. So what is this site about?
Also what is interesting, is that the list at the bottom of the site which you can just about see, is vast. It occupies the vast majority of the front page, and yet has absolutely nothing to do with their business model at all!
They are not in the business of vaccines or masks, what possible providence could all of this wasted space hold, and why would anyone looking to recover funds from fraud have any interest in seeing a repeat of what was undoubtedly on the television of every country on Earth just last night?
So let's have a look at what they actually offer. They start out by asking a very specific question, asking if we have been scammed by our broker. So immediately we know that this website is offering recovery from unregulated offshore registered CFD ForEx traders as no other type of stockbroker offers you a broker that can up and disappear. Your local stockbroker is someone you can just go and see.
So what can they offer in terms of a recovery? How would they get to the company if they are unregistered and unregulated? How would they even find them?
They have a couple of articles at the bottom of the site before the COVID table that appear to be fairly irrelevant. One concerning a Ponzi scheme company that went under with the directors getting away with millions. Another regarding crypto currency which hardly seems relevant (unless they are specifically recovering for people who were taken in by fake crypto auto trading software, but that seems unlikely.) Another concerning online fraud, which again seems irrelevant if you were scammed by a broker rather than a online scam. Finally another COVID reference. An article concerning COVID and how to protect yourself from the COVID affects financially, which if you have just been scammed of your capital, again, seems irrelevant.
So what do we have? A website thrown together with no real thought.
A few articles picked for no discernible reason.
A lot of COVID info.
This website appears to be a scam too.
We do not recommend using Claims International. They show so evidence of understanding the issues or of being able to help people to recover from them.
If you fill in the form you can see the issue:

They are just a sales funnel for PayBack Ltd who are (we think) a limited company in Israel who would be quite unable to do anything about being scammed in the UK.
Fake companies forwarding services to PayBack Ltd is a sign that they run an affiliate network system just like the scammers, which is a concerning indicator that they are no different themselves.