Bitcoin 360 Ai

Bitcoin 360 Ai, or Bit Coin 360 Ai or Bit App 360 Ai is an app that is 'a new trending crypto trading bot getting attention in trading communities' according to the fake crypto reviews site which means one thing for sure, it is a scam. Bitcoin 360 Ai is the idea of an automated crypto-trading robot that wins a certain percentage of all trades to make you rich without any skill, luck, effort or investment. In other words, it is a get rich quick scam.

The value of money is based on how difficult it is to obtain for most people which means that if you have an app that makes anyone money without any risk, effort, knowledge or investment, money has become worthless and the economy will collapse. How could you buy anything if the shopkeeper can make free money without you?

Here is a typical Bitcoin 360 AI advertisement on Meta/Facebook:

The only truth on the Bitcoin 360 AI page: "Actually, I'm not even sure what I'm doing." You're running a scam, mate.

What is Bitcoin 360 Ai?

Bitcoin 360 Ai is an amalgamation of a few ideas. Firstly the crypto-currency Bitcoin, then the idea of 360 degrees in a circle, so it is being suggested that this system works in every direction or situation, and lastly Ai which refers to artificial intelligence. The brand name suggests that we are dealing with some sort of automated system that is connected to Bitcoin and is capable in many different situations and conditions.

Moblie Apps  

We can see from the website that the system is in someway involved with an app, as the images on the left clearly show screenshots that are not within any kind of browser. They show a dedicated app displaying a Bitcoin price  of $1250 USD so this app is obviously pretty old as it is showing prices from about 2017.

The screens on each phone are identical except for some of the colours being inverted so let's see if we can find this pp on the Google Play store or the Apple Store and see what it is capable of and what sort of reviews it has.


It is definitely a popular search judging by the autosuggest feature in the search on the Play Store, the problem is that there is no match. All of the apps are simply training courses or website that try to get your contact details for marketing purposes:

Bitcoin 360 Ai on Google Apps Store

So those screenshots appear to be either of something entirely disparate, or are completely fake and mocked-up. We see exactly the same on the Apple store, so this app is definitely not what is shown on those images.

Can I Download Bitcoin 360 Ai?

From our investigations, no you can't download this app. It does not appear anywhere on the app stores and even if you could download it external to the stores you would not be able to download it to most devices as they are restricted. You would need special know-how to load a development version on and we would seriously advice against trusting your money to any app that Google and Apple stores refuse to condone. Whatever this app is, it is not available on the handsets suggested by the website image so beware.

Is Bitcoin 360 Ai Legitimate?

  • If you mean is it a legitimate app on the Apple and Play stores, then no, it is not.
  • If you are asking if it will make you money without any serious investment, research, skill or luck, then no, it won't
  • If this is asking, will I be liable for my own losses on an app that is demonstrably dangerous, then yes you will be.
  • If legitimate means is not a scam, then no, this is not a legitimate software, it is a scam!
  • If legitimate is questioning the ability of the app to perform then we would respond by saying that there is no evidence that we can find that Bitcoin 360 Ai even exists never mind be worthy of so many reviews.
  • Does Bitcoin 360 Ai do what it claims? No way. That would be impossible. This is an obvious scam.

What is the Concept of Bitcoin 360 AI?

Well it is based upon a few different ideas. Firstly it is based upon the idea of artificial intelligence. AI is an idea that has been around a long time, since before WWII in fact. The idea that a machine might be able to act, or certainly to appear as if it can act, of it's own volition. Free will is only a concept, after all, we cannot be sure that we possess it can we? If that computer appears to act in a certain way then it could be consider self-aware. We may even be able to go some way to being able to prove it empirically if we can make definitive assumptions about the nature of free will and align it to lines on a graph of electrical activity, especially if we can align it to neurological results as well.

So once we have an AI computer, that uses basic rules to learn about a system and then begins to exhibit behaviour that begins to become useful in dealing with that system, we can start to claim that we have created a useful AI capable of predicting or interpreting said system.

The next ingredient is quantum computing. If we consider that all traditional computers use the idea of 1s and 0s to compute everything in a binary state, either on or off, we are limited by a factor of two for everything.


 A 10 bit system will give us 2^10 possible computing states and so on. With the advent of quantum computing we add a third way, the super-position. Super-position is a state that has not yet decided whether it is one or zero, and it is sort of a bit of both, but in a measurable, detectable, distinct state. This means that instead of 2^10 states for 10 bits we get 3^10 states, with what is known as Qubits. Just to be clear, the difference is 1024 v s 59049 so a factor of nearly sixty with only ten bits!

So with this massively increased computing power comes the promise of far more effective AIs with far greater processing power capable of predicting something far more complex, like a market for instance.

The problem is that so far, room temperature quantum computing remains in the realms of science fiction. They need to be super-cooled to near absolute zero in order to function at all and that is expensive and prevents any real density being achieved in terms of Qubits. this means that the computers remains relatively incapable compared to traditional machines.

Right here, in the mainstream media world, there is no such thing as a quantum computing software outside of graphics processing and numerical analysis, but that will change.

If Bitcoin 360 Ai is a Scam. Why are there so Many Reviews?

Because a scam is a pack of lies and anyone review an obvious scam is a liar and a con-man. We cannot make a real review of Bitcoin 360 Ai because there is nothing to review. There is no app, there is only a one page website containing a sign-up form that takes you through to a very dodgy offshore, unregulated broker that is almost certainly completely fake and simply part of a boiler room scam. You can tell by the way that there are more than one website claiming to be the same thing:

Bitcoin 360 Ai Clone Websites

You can see that the top site is using the typical tactics for a boiler room affiliate site. Latest news 2023 official updated website and all the other nonsense that the bitcoin boiler room scammers usually employ. These kinds of titles make us choose one site above another, even if said site is ranked lower than the others. The idea of a site being the latest, updated information with current updates this year is always a powerful influence. As you can see we have added the same nonsense to the description of this page in the hope it may save some people from being scammed by these false websites and reviews.

What Happens When I Sign-up with Bitcoin 360 Ai?

Well let's take a look at a quick demonstration:

 As you can see you are sent through to an offshore, unregulated supposed CFD broker with no contact details, no address, no country of origin, no registration and no company details whatsoever. It is vitally important to know where you are send your money! Any website without proper registration details, business registration numbers, details of who they are regulated by, and where they are registered is a scam! Always! This website is just a renaming of every other fake broker website that the scammers employ. If there are no registration details, they cannot be a legitimate broker. Brokers are registered businesses, not just mail forwarding services located on an island in the Caribbean!

Can I Withdraw from Bitcoin 360 Ai?

Sorry, but no, you can't. If you have deposited money with them and are using their interface to watch that money, it has already gone. The interface you are viewing is completely fake and is just a device in order to persuade you to deposit more money. That is why the balance appears to increase. The balance is fake and designed to make you pay them all of your money. Once they are convinced hat they have all of your money then they will instruct the fake interface to begin losing money whilst they switch off their phone lines and transfer their websites to a new domain. Then they will start the scam up again somewhere else. is a SCAM!!!!

Bitcoin 360 Ai is a SCAM!!!
