What is BitQL?
Well BitQL is another boiler room scam propagated across the internet by various scammers and their affiliates. If you do not know what a boiler room scam is then please have a read of the page before you get scammed by one.
Most likely you have been told that BitQL is an Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot that can make you wealthy with minimal investment and zero experience in trading. You may have checked on TrustPilot or some other misleading site and sen hundreds of good reviews that have encouraged you to use such an Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot, and why not? Well if making money was that easy then people wouldn't kill each other or it. Of course there is no such thing as autotrading AI. It would make money worthless overnight and if anyone ever invented one they would either have to give it up or find themselves dead at the bottom of a river.
How Do We Know BitQL Is A SCAM?
We can see that this site https://bitql.app/ is very similar to many of the boiler room scam websites around at the moment. It has exactly the same template with the video/image next to a text submission form where contact details are entered. It has the website description including all of the words that suggest the site is in competition with other affiliates, such as Official Site 2022【MOST UPDATED】and the extension is a .app extension even though there is no evidence an app exists.
How Does the BitQL Scam Work?
Now these scams are propagated by huge affiliate networks run across different platforms and with hefty payouts so that the competition between the affiliates is fierce. Once set of contact details of one vulnerable person can earn an affiliate $800 USD so you can see that one click per day will make you a very tidy sum. Many of the affiliates are outside of their target countries too so that they have no tax to pay or do not declare it regardless.
They use huge affiliate payouts so that their affiliate partner make all sorts of sites with the most ridiculous claims on, and promise huge wealth with no effort or experience. Here are some example of the kind of nonsense they will try and trick you with:
- They claim to be from NASA or the NSA and that they are supported by celebrities such as Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.
- They claim that they are fighting poverty and that they are here to save the world.
- They claim that registration will end in twenty minutes and your chance to get this groundbreaking technology will cease forever at that time.
- They claim to be the first people to invent quantum computing software and that it is never wrong.
- They show videos of people who have supposedly made a fortune with these scams.
- They will hire private jets and make videos of themselves getting in and out of them.
- They will show you pictures of young people standing round pools or expensive cars and tell you that you're next.
One BitQL website is this one here:

The website has several clones, another sure sign that this is an affiliate of a boiler room scam. As well as https://bitql.app/ there is also https://investire-guida.com/piu-soldi/
They use a different disclaimer at the bottom of their pages, so perhaps they are in a European country or subject to different laws to the other scammers.
They operate BitQL here:
What you have to bear in mind is that all of these sites are the same. They all say the same messages with people's faces saying "I'm so happy I entered my details. Now I live on an island surrounded by promiscuous supermodels and I never ever work except for five minutes a day on my laptop." and people actually believe it.
Who Operates BitQL?
Whoever this new group are they appear to be the same people operating the https://successfinance.top/ref/nt002 scammer server which has the same designs and disclaimers as their BitQL site.
These scammers seem to have decent looking websites and use a different set of product names (from what we have seen so far) to the usual Bitcoin Rush/Immediate Edge/Profit Build mob so beware of new autotrading site popping up in the near future. They still use the same text basis for their websites as some of the Bitcoin Circuit sites such as the FAQ section and Why Choose BitQL section.
The about us page gives no detail about anything concerning identity, just meaningless blurb.
Where is BitQL Run From?
The terms and conditions appear to be exactly the same as the usual Bitcoin Code rubbish and do not even give the name of the company that is supposedly enforcing any of these terms or is liable to any of the conditions. They simply refer to themselves as 'The Software' but do not have a clause of explaining this in full. Instead it just has ridiculous sentences like Thank you for visiting the website (the “Website”) on which you found the link to these Terms Of Use (the “Website”) which do not confer any rights or obligations onto the reader or the author of said pages.
Fortunately there is one place where they have forgotten to remove the title: MTS Advertise OU which appears to be here:
Address: Pallasti 48, 11413 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5344 9647
Now Tallinn in Estonia comes up time and time again in these matters. Whether it is just a good place to register businesses on behalf of mafia enterprises or if it is where the scammers reside, this time they have actually left a company name and address by mistake.
Which is a pleasing development. We can also confirm that it is not a typo as the exact term appears three times in that terms and conditions page:
Who Are Mts Advertise OÜ?
Now this fascinating company has an unsecured website that claims they turnover billions and have tens of thousands of employees and yet when you look at other sites that reference them, we see a trend of scams in every direction.
Updated 45 days ago
Digital Equity Group uses the latest technology to bring you an optimal and enjoyable experience... Digital Equity Group enables you to make continuous passive income as well as liquidate your assets at any time for a major profit. The money you earn will go straight into your account and you'll be able to withdraw it straight away... People worldwide are realizing that digital assets are the most secure investment in the future.
Also known as: MTS Advertise OU
Öffentliche Betrugswarnung – Verbraucherwarnung!
Bitcoin Billionaire (MTS Advertise OU) - https://www.gmlitigationassistance.com/de/warnungen-b/oeffentliche-betrugswarnung-verbraucherwarnung-bitcoin_billionaire mts_advertise_ou.shtml
Bitcoin Billionaire (MTS Advertise OU) - Warnung CNMV Spain - 2020-May-04
Pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 17 of the Securities Markets Law (recast text approved by
Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October), the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (National
Securities Market Commission) warns that:
http://bitcoin-billion-club.com/es/ Bitcoin Billion Club
is not authorised to provide the investment services detailed in Article 140 of the Spanish Securities
Markets Act, which include investment advice, nor to provide the auxiliary services detailed in Article
141(a), (b), (d), (f) and (g) of said Act in relation to the financial instruments detailed in Article 2 of said
Act, including, for those purposes, foreign currency transactions.
For any enquiries, please contact the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores enquiry line on
900 535 015 or visit CNMV’s website (www.cnmv.es). 4 May 2020
So it is unlikely that they do have over 60,000 employees and turn over billions, they have just used the same initials as the proper MTS telephone operator in Russia. This clone company is a possible candidate for many of the scams we are seeing worldwide.
Location of This Business
914 E Tallmadge Ave, Akron, OH 44310-3514 BBB File Opened:11/19/2013
Alternate Business Names
- MTS Advertise OU
- Corey Gates
- Tube Cash Review Software
Business Management
- Mr. Corey Gates
- Ms. Nancy Fox
Contact Information
Customer Contact
Contact Details:
914 E Tallmadge Ave
Akron, OH 44310-3514
Tel: +1 (877) 629-2791

Image from their Facebook pages
And from their FaceBook page they are definitely the right kind of people to be using these scams.
Could they really have missed deleting this or are they just using T&Cs from a defunct company to give us the runaround, we do not know, but it is useful information all the same.
Their name also appears on the T&Cs here: https://investire-guida.com/piu-soldi/ which is an Italian scammer site simply called 'more money' and is an Italian clone of the Profit Maximizer website we see here in the UK.
Also on a review here: https://www.defaulters.com/scam/mobilemoneycode-com-review/ We can see that there is a different address of:
MTS Advertise OU Punane 19-18 Tallinn, Afghanistan, Estonia so we can perhaps ignore the Afghanistan part and consider this page as real as the product
MobileMoneyCode.Com definitely sounds like their cup of tea.
A search of: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22MTS+Advertise+OU shows 131 results and they are definitely involved with cases we have seen before such as the News Spy.
So, in short, BitQL is either operated by these scammers, or it is operated by people who used to work for these scammers and still have an old copy of the T&Cs they used to use.
Do not send any money or contact details to these scammers !