Here is a company touting generosity and goodness,
Are they the same company as

They have a single mobile phone number that could redirect anywhere but there may be a clue that they are a single Polish person called biuro if [email protected] is anything to go by.

They have no UK address or company number or company name as is often the case with these recovery companies. Their Polish address is at 28. října 770/6, Moravská Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava,
They also state an identification number of 07694903
It does not turn up anything at the FCA:

It doesn't mean that they are definitely a scam, but it is odd that they claim they are regulated by the FCA when they are not a UK trader.
This company is pretending to be a UK entity so beware. They only have a mobile number listed as a UK number which is never a good sign, but it may mean that they just have one person working from their home here in the UK. We always recommend trying every avenue before settling for a paid service though, as often theyd do not do as good a job as you will. You have more motiivation after all.
We also do not trust the way that they advertise under the names of the scams or use the same domain name reference structure as the scammers: