Just to iterate that Bitcoin Rush is not a single app that makes money - here is a current list of the highest ranking official Bitcoin Rush sites:
All of these sites claim to be the real thing, which is patently not true. They are in competition. This is a sign of affiliate networking, with affiliates fighting over an affiliate fee. That is because you can earn huge affiliate fees with these sites by helping them defraud normal people like us, as long as you have no scruples.
So What is Bitcoin Rush Really?
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According to some seriously suspicious websites:
Bitcoin Rush is supposedly an app that auto-trades Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies and nearly always makes a profit.
In Reality:
Bitcoin Rush is an advertising campaign used by affiliate marketers of offshore brokers who are not regulated in your country or territory. These unregulated brokers sell Contracts for Differences that are subject to huge leveraging (multiple times the reward or loss of your stake, very often over 50x) that can make huge profits if you really know what you are doing and are very lucky. In the main though, 80% of all traders lose all of their money and wind up owing much more than they originally intended to wager. They intend to defraud everyone who signs up so please don't!

How Does Bitcoin Rush Get So Much Publicity?
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Well, it is down to the use of affiliate marketers and keeping the competition between them fierce. As soon as you have a group of people fighting over affiliate fees, they will begin to develop all sorts of ways to increase exposure to your product. Some of the Bitcoin Rush scammer brokers offer successful affiliates $700 per prospect. That is $700 every time someone arrives at the scammer broker site and has given out their real phone number. That is how confident these scammers are of rinsing these poor souls for several thousand dollars. As the different affiliates fight over the fees, they find more and more ingenious ways of getting ahead in search engine rankings. This means that one certain affiliate starts taking the lions share of the fees. Once this happens all the other affiliates start going hungry and therefore either start copying the winning affiliate in a more intense way, or come up with another idea altogether to regain the top spot on search results. Furthermore the affiliates resort to advertising and many other means in order to get their affiliate fees, even though it is money earned from fraud.
Why Hasn't This Fraud Been Exposed?
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This is a perplexing question. Why doesn't one of the Bitcoin bigwigs tweet about this and encourage all the others to as well? Why doesn't Elon Musk tweet about boiler rooms scams? He features on the pages of quite a few. So does Bill Gates and he never references anything. Just a quick 'auto-trading robots are a scam, do not sign-up' would be helpful. We really do not know why this has not been put under the spotlight, even if Google stopped accepting their adverts, we would be getting somewhere. Sadly the scammer adverts for boiler room scams like Brexit Millionaire and Bitcoin Lifestyle are getting more and more common.
Why Haven't The Perpetrators Been Arrested?
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Well firstly we have to work out if there has actually been a crime. With all of these sites there is one thing you notice time and time again. They are designed to catch out people who do not read the small print. Nearly all of these scam sites have one thing in common, the disclaimer and warning at the bottom of the page. Many of them actually include terms and conditions and a privacy policy. This means that they are actually telling you it is a scam from the very beginning but you are not listening. So is there actually a crime here? Let's take a look at a warning at the bottom of one of the Bitcoin Rush Website pages:
REGULATION & HIGH RISK INVESTMENT WARNING: Trading Forex, CFDs and Cryptocurrencies is highly speculative, carries a level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. You may lose some or all of your invested capital, therefore you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose. It's your obligation to check and decide whether the broker you were connected to applies to all local rules and regulations and is regulated in your country jurisdiction and is allowed to receive customers from your location you are in, before you fund your account with the broker and start trading with it. Note that the content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing your capital is at risk. We are required to tell potential investors that our software's past performance does not necessarily predict future results, therefore you should not speculate with capital that you cannot afford to lose.
USA REGULATION NOTICE: Option trading is not regulated within the United States. Bitcoin Rush is not supervised or regulated by any financial agencies nor US agencies. Any unregulated trading activity by U.S. residents is considered unlawful. Bitcoin Rush does not accept customers located within the United States or holding an American citizenship.
SITE RISK DISCLOSURE: We do not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website; this includes education material, price quotes and charts, and analysis. Please be aware of the risks associated with trading the financial markets; never invest more money than you can risk losing. The risks involved in trading Forex, CFDs and Cryptocurrencies may not be suitable for all investors. We do not retain responsibility for any trading losses you might face as a result of using the data hosted on this site.
LEGAL RESTRICTIONS: Without limiting the undermentioned provisions, you understand that laws regarding financial contracts vary throughout the world, and it is your responsibility to make sure you properly comply with any law, regulation or guideline in your country of residence regarding the use of the Site. To avoid any doubt, the ability to access our Site does not necessarily mean that our Services and/or your activities through the Site are legal under the laws, regulations or directives relevant to your country of residence. Please note that we do receive advertising fees for directing users to open an account with the brokers/advertisers and/or for driving traffic to the advertiser website. We have placed cookies on your computer to help improve your experience when visiting this website. You can change cookie settings on your computer at any time. Use of this website indicates your acceptance of this website's Privacy Policy.
Now even though this is completely at odds with the description of the alleged product:
Bitcoin Rush is a beginner-friendly BTC auto-trading system. We have helped tens of thousands of our clients gain financial freedom through BTC trading. You could generate up to $750 daily by depositing as little as $250 with us. The daily return could quadruple within weeks of compounding your profits.
It still means that this website is just a breach of advertising code in many countries, but since it is not from any particular country, it is not bound by any legislation. It is not strictly illegal anywhere.
Now the fact that they have been open about the reality of you trading CFDs rather than predicting the cryptocurrency market with a faultless AI based computer means that this is going to be a misdemeanour at worst. No one can prove that you did not lose that money fair and square and there is a warning about the risks of highly speculative, leveraged trading on the site.
Apart from that the likelihood is that this is an affiliate run website. They are just trying to get you to click the link and they have become a little creative with the truth, but who is to say that the affiliate network didn't tell the affiliate that Bitcoin Rush can really do this? How can anyone prove otherwise? We have no obvious legal precedent with which to request the material shared by the affiliate network. Thew only way to find out is to become an affiliate and see what we receive. Something we shall no doubt be looking into.
On top of all of this, the affiliate network is handing out the details and logo etc. provided by their customer. Although you would expect them to be ensuring the validity of material that their customers are providing to affiliates, it is not an obvious trading standards obligation as they may well be registered in a country that does not have strict trading standards.
So even though they claim this:

They do mention that there is a risk at the end, even though every other word in that paragraph is a complete lie.
They even warn you on the sign-up form:
You can see at the bottom it says ***All trading carries risk in tiny writing.
Finally there is the question of who originates these idea anyway. They will not have any legal connection to the brokers in whichever country the broker claims to be registered. The very best you could hope to pin on anyone is conspiracy to commit fraud, and then you would have to find them, catch them and extradite them from their country of residence. It has definitely been thought through and perfected. Unless the FBI get involved, any prosecution is going to be very difficult.
CFD trading an even soliciting CFD trading is outlawed in the US and Israel, so it is possible that their authorities may get involved at some level, but certainly not in criminal prosecution. This group has chosen the guise under which to steal with guile and poise. The only way to beat them currently is to make everyone aware of their scam, so share and link to this site if you can.
Who Makes The Bitcoin Rush Websites?
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As far as we can tell, these are brands that are given out to various affiliates and then they make their own website using the same logo and name as everyone else. They then vie for position in the rankings to try and get as many people passed on to the fraudsters as they can to receive their affiliate fees. The advantage of having lots of different affiliates fighting for supremacy is that the competition makes sure that they are always finding ways to climb the search engine rankings. The competition works in the favour of the scammers as it means their affiliates (the ones that stay afloat) are the best at SEO and therefore the best at getting noticed. This means that more and more people read sites about Bitcoin Rush and believe it is a real technology.
Why Are There So Many Positive Reviews of Bitcoin Rush?
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Well because these highly effective SEO affiliate scammers realised that people would believe review sites more readily than advertorial sites, and so they began manufacturing all sorts of trader review sites. These sorts of sites pretend to report on Bitcoin but actually contain auto-trading robot reviews that claim to have made money with these fake robots. These sorts of sites include indexuniverse.eu, bitcoin-trading.io, coininsider.com, insidebitcoins.com, economywatch.com and FXTimes.com. Many of these sites are run by the same affiliate scammers as the actual Bitcoin Rush sites themselves.
All of these sites start with the same premise:
Bitcoin Rush is a mobile app that uses AI to predict market changes and help people make millions of dollars using the “AI Predict” features.
Even though this is an obvious lie, they still start the review with this statement. Anyone really running a true Bitcoin news website knows instantly that this is a scam, so these fake auto-trader review websites are specifically written to hide the lies, appear genuine and defraud people.
Sites like TrustPilot.com are targeted non-stop by these villains and their algorithms are outdone by the hoards of scammers adding fake reviews concerning these impossible technologies. Every reviewer is a fake with a photo on their profile and only one or two reviews to their name. Trustpilot has become as much a part of the scam as any of the fake review sites and they need to do something fast not to become a laughing stock.
Who Does Bitcoin Rush Belong To?
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Bitcoin Rush is a member of a big family of cryptocurrency related marketing tools employed by these scammers who endlessly rebrand themselves on the internet. You may have seen Bitcoin Prime, Bitcoin Code, Crypto Trader, Immediate Edge or Brexit Millionaire, just to name a few. They prey upon any insecurity being exploited by the news channels and they receive significant fees from illegal brokers who plan to steal the life savings of unsuspecting victims with their huge leveraging rates. In this blog we do our utmost to warn as many people as possible about this ongoing online fraud.
So how do we spot these scams from real traders or brokers?
Well firstly, they have had a lot of official websites which is a Big red flag!
https://bitcoinrush.com/ | https://bitcoin-rush-official.com/ | https://bitcoin-rush.org/ | the-bitcoin-rush-pro.financialmarketsworld.com Just to name a few; here are some examples of a search on DuckDuckGo:

As you can see they have many different versions of every one of their websites. This is indicative of an affiliate marketing ring in competition with each other for affiliate fees. They try and outbid each other in the Google ads so that they can collect the $700 USD affiliate marketer payout for another victim successfully defrauded.
Let's have a look at one of the websites to see what's what:
What is the Bitcoin Rush App?
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We are told that Bitcoin Rush is an automated trading software, it can trade crypto-currencies and ForEx in both automated and manual mode. But there is no link to download such an app or platform access. They only want your contact details, which again indicates an affiliate marketing campaign. A business would just want you to get trading as soon as possible so that they could make a percentage, preferably without involving humans, who are expensive to employ. This is a big red flag!
Further down the page we read Bitcoin Rush is equipped with the 6 most famous trading indicators and to 7 different timeframes. This gives access to a huge range of trading signals. Now trading signals are essentially messages that give you a heads-up on what may be about to happen in the trader markets. They send out details from the financial news columns that may be useful to consider when trading commodities or stocks. Bitcoin Rush are claiming that their robot can intercept and decode these signals and make successful trades using them. In general signals are sent out by people who are not successful enough at trading to make money directly, so they send out messages for money to try and make gains from less direct methods. The claim that their robot uses these signals is therefore hard to believe. This is another big red flag.
What Does Bitcoin Rush Do?
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We are also told that whilst in 'Trading Robot' mode the Bitcoin Rush system can use these signals to successfully trade, but this is really just the same paragraph again. They are trying to build your confidence in the idea of a product that will know what to do to make money once you have signed up, and they want you to be trusting of their promises for as long as possible. To this end they will make promises along the lines of it taking a couple of days to learn the markets or some similar nonsense.
There is not much content in that version of Bitcoin Rush, but we can have a look at another version here:
Will Bitcoin Rush Make Me Money?
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This version has the same video as many of the Bitcoin Scam sites.
It does however, offer a little more detail on what the app is supposed to do: The Bitcoin Rush software can pinpoint lucrative trading opportunities and generate trading signals. To do this, it leverages advanced algorithms to scan the crypto market to find profitable trade setups. It does this by using technical indicators and comparing existing market conditions with historical price data. The software also has a 0.01 second time leap which enables it to know in which direction the market will move before it makes this move. The Bitcoin Rush software has an accuracy rate of over 99%.
Now this is a pretty amazing claim to make, which is why they normally explain in the small print that this is just an advert and should not be taken as fact, otherwise they would have to legally prove a claim as blatant as this. There is undoubtedly a clause somewhere in the T&Cs that explains that past performance does not guarantee future income. It is also unlikely that these people are easily traceable, it is possible that they are working out of Russia or somewhere close, out of reach of any US or EU regulation.
We then read The Bitcoin Rush software has become the go-to app for thousands of traders globally as it is easy to use and navigate. This makes it ideal for both new and advanced traders. The Bitcoin Rush software generates daily profits for traders, irrespective of their experience level. This ensures that everyday people, just like you, now stand a chance to trade Bitcoin and earn profits from the market daily. The software will handle market analysis for you and will even open trades – it doesn’t get easier than this!
But this seems unlikely as we have never seen Bitcoin Rush mentioned in a single trading article or segment anywhere, and if it traded for you at a 99% win rate on binary trades, we definitely would have seen it.
They also claim on this version of the site that this software creates its own signals, and that it is these that make the software so accurate. The text on this website seems to indicate that the software actually just sends signals and that you use the signals with the brokers that the site connects you to. This sounds a bit closer to the truth, only there are no real 99% accurate signals as every broker would run a mile rather than let you take their money.
They also claim that: The Bitcoin Rush software is currently the most popular crypto trading app due to its features, ease of use and profitability. It is used by thousands of traders globally, and it generates over a thousand dollars for each of them per day. Bitcoin Rush has also received recognition from the US Trading Association as the leading automated trading app. Which again seems unlikely. The US do not allow Contracts for Differences trading which is what we believe that this really is. We have not heard of any awards given to automated trading apps as they all tend to just lose money.
The small print at the bottom of the bitcoinrush.com site says this: "Important Risk Note: Trading Forex, CFDs and Cryptocurrencies is highly speculative, carries a level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading can generate significant benefits but also involves a risk of partial or full funds loss and should be considered by initial investors. we strongly advise that you read our terms & conditions and disclaimer page before making any investment."
That does not fit with the product they are claiming that they sell. CFDs and ForEx are very different to trading cryptocurrency, which is a currency that you buy and sell. CFDs (Contracts for Differences) on ForEx (Foreign Exchange Rates) are what is known as spread-betting and is done, not with a broker, but with a bookmaker because it is essentially betting on a contract that will eventually become worthless. It is also illegal in the US, contrary to their claims that they have won awards there.
This is a huge red flag!!!
Does Bitcoin Rush Trade Stocks For Me?
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Now the big difference here is that when you are trading you buy something from a stockbroker and then sell it at another time or place when the price has changed, that is trading because you buy and sell. Contracts for Differences trading is when you buy a contract based upon the outcome of a market movement and then win or lose accordingly. The essential point here is that with CFDs, when you lose, you lose all of the stake that you have bet, as well as the leveraged multiplier attached to your contract. So if you bet $1000 per point on the USD against the EUR and the EUR climbs three points, you owe $3000 regardless of what you have already deposited, and on a 50 x leverage, that is $150k. When the Contract For Differences expires and the numbers are not in your favour, the money returns to the broker, multiplied by the leveraging.
So this is the main difference - stockbrokers make their money from the actual trade itself - they may charge $25 for the buying of the stock and then another $25 when you sell. They have no interest in you buying or selling at a profit or loss, they just perform the trade.
Now you can see immediately that a CFD broker wants you to lose your money, as they have to pay when you win. That is who these 'brokers' are. They are agents attempting to give you advice that will send the money from your stake into their company. This is a very dangerous relationship.
So what is the connection with Bitcoin Rush cryptocurrency auto trading robot?
Who Is Responsible for these Scams?
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Well, these softwares are devised by scammers to be used to defraud people and that was always how it worked. You were told that the system made you money by various fake news sites like coininsider.com and onlineinvestmentsguide.com and then when you deposit the software would appear to make you money until you invest more. As time went by you eventually had enough money to withdraw, but as soon as you requested a withdrawal the balance would tumble from 'unsuccessful trades' and before the 48 wait to get your money the balance had fallen to zero. Then when you read the T&Cs you saw that they point out you can lose and should not bet with what you cannot afford to lose etc.
These days, however, although they still use that same pitch (they have so much old material) but when you sign up, the site just forwards you to 'the best broker' which is an offshore, unregulated, untraceable Caribbean based bookmaker with local phone agents in the US, UK or Australia who badger you into making larger and larger deposits. The Russian Bitcoin Code mob still make their money, but out of affiliate fees for who signs up. Then the bookmakers (whoever runs them) take all the cash and distribute it amongst all of their partners such as the fake news sites and the recruitment sites that promise the impossible (Bitcoin Code, Bitcoin Loophole, Bitcoin Prime etc.) and the giant wheel keeps rolling.
Why Are There So Many Bitcoin Rush Sites?
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That is why the recruitment site has to change names all the time, because people start to get wise and start reporting the Ads to Google and reporting the phone numbers to the SFO. This is important to note. Their recruitment model hangs around Bitcoin traditionally but now they are moving towards COVID and Brexit as their primary scaremongering tactics and so we are seeing Brexit Millionaire type sites appearing, but this is just the beginning. Soon there will be a hundred 'brexit billionaire, brexit cash, brexit circuit, brexit code, brexit loophole, brexit rush sites all playing the same game along with COVID millionaire, COVID code, COVID circuit, COVID loophole etc.
Now, using all these tools, as soon as they have your contact number they will start to call you and persuade you to deposit as much as you can, so never give them your number.
What Happens If I Sign Up With Bitcoin Rush?
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They will sign you up as a CFD spread better/options trader and you will be plagued with calls for more investment, this is not trading, it is betting on outcomes in market changes. It is high risk, this is from their own site: "Important Risk Note: Trading Forex, CFDs and Cryptocurrencies is highly speculative, carries a level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors."
So as you can see you are actually sent to a site called Epic Invest at epicinvest24.info which is a domain name that has a decidedly temporary feel about it. If you actually bothered to send a letter to their address at C.F Global Enterprise LLC, First Floor, First St Bank Ltd Building, James Street, P.O. Box 1574, Kingstown VC0100, St. Vincent and Grenadines it would likely be forwarded to another country under some mail forwarding service and the recipient would probably just be an employee rather than anyone of significance in their operation.
The trading name 'C.F Global Enterprise LLC' will just be to impersonate CFGlobal.com anyway so there is little point trying to find them as they will not really exist. The registration number 1314 LLC 2021 is just complete nonsense.
Once you start trading, they will put the pressure on you to deposit all day and night. All of the agents are on commission and badly want that money. They are also being coached from behind constantly in greed and indifference to your plight. Once you have deposited all of your money they will advise you to 'follow this traders settings' or 'follow that trader' or 'bet on this' and you will find yourself broke. You were shown the small print T&Cs, you can win or lose.
- You started losing and now all of your money is gone.
- You deposited it.
- We warned you.
- Why are you so upset?
- Then you get a recovery firm from overseas to try and recover your funds, they charge upfront.
- Oh dear, scammed twice in one day.
They just used the autotrading crypto robot concept to bounce you in the direction of a CFD bookmaker registered in Cyprus, but probably operating out of Russia with some phone-based 'brokers' in your country, which is probably America, Australia, Britain or South Africa, who terrorised you with phone calls until you invest £30k or similar and then they will advise you on how to spread-bet in the worst way possible so as to give them all of your money.
It all happened so fast and you never understood the truth until now.
All CFD/spread betting is gambling, not trading. Just because it is betting on a market does not change the fact that you own nothing in the agreement so it cannot possibly fulfil the requirements to deserve the word 'trade.'
Can I Get My Money Back From Bitcoin Rush?
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Well, no. Because Bitcoin Rush did not take it. This is because Bitcoin Rush does not exist as a company or brand or service or even as a website. It is just a concept sold by the affiliate networks to persuade people to sign up with offshore, unregulated scammer brokers. Some of these brokers are real CFD brokers in Cyprus or the Caribbean and they work with MT4 or MT5 traders. They are not a scam as such, but 80% of retail accounts lose money anyway so they may well as be. The majority however are just Bitcoin scammers. They pretend that you will be using an automated Bitcoin trading robot that will win trades for you, and they will give you access to a website that appears to show just that. You will see your deposit grow, and they are hoping you deposit more. Once they have all the money they can get from you, their automatic robot will make mistake after mistake until you have nothing. The problem is, that broker will then disappear and the phone number will stop working. Then you will see the website will become inoperative. Then you will realise you have no way of tracking them down. So what can you do?
Well cryptocurrency transfers are untraceable. You can look up the activity of a wallet, but there is nothing you can do to find that person or company. They are impervious to being tracked as, even if you could find their IP address and trace it, you could never prove they have that wallet in their possession short of asking them at gunpoint.
There are countless recovery companies around offering to get your money back, but they will only seek a recovery from your bank, and keep a portion of what is recovered. When you consider that you could do this just as easily without their help, they are no better than the scammers really. Just after another slice of cash from the vulnerable. The best option is to avoid any type of trading unless you are prepared to get immersed in that world and really research it. There are so many scammers and scumbags in the world of money, if you are a nice person, you are better off just staying away and making yourself happy without money. The best things in life are free.
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All the reviews on Trustpilot are FAKE!!!! Unless they say SCAM!
We Tested Signing-up with Bitcoin Rush:
IronEFX are impersonating IronFX and are not regulated in the UK, Europe, the US, Australia, NZ or Canada: https://www.fca.org.uk/news/warnings/ironefx
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