What is Quantum AI?
Quantum AI is a fraud perpetrated by offshore boiler room scammers as a means of falsely advertising their fake autotrading robots. These robots are marketed in such a way that they entrap people with no trading experience, as a seasoned trader would know instantly that what they claim is impossible. This is by design as they want to entrap the most gullible traders they can so that they can persuade them to deposit thousands of dollars using cryptocurrency. Once they have the money, the fake trading robots appear to deal cryptocurrencies automatically. This is a ruse to stop you noticing that they have already stolen your money. The trading balance then dissolves away to nothing and the contact numbers stop working. This is the boiler room scam!
Is Elon Musk Involved with Quantum AI?
No, he is not. Elon Musk has no connection to Quantum AI trading software whatsoever. Quantum AI is an affiliate marketing tool for boiler room scam offshore brokers who are unregulated and out to defraud people. Elon Musk has no connection to these petty thieves. There are several fake Elon Musk videos doing the rounds, hijacking a speech made by Mr Musk with a different voice dubbed over the top and fake slides that have been added to change the subject of the talk. The fake video claims that Elon Musk has invented the first quantum computing software that can predict the financial markets and profit from trading with a ninety-nine percent accuracy rate. The whole premise is ridiculous and is nothing more than a scam.

How Do Quantum AI Defraud People?
According to a number of websites, mostly run by Finixio Ltd, Quantum AI is a legitimate trading robot that uses quantum computing artificial intelligence to predict the cryptocurrency market and makes anyone that uses it rich. This is of course ridiculous as it would therefore be on the front page of Forbes, Yahoo Finance, The Economist, and The Financial Times. It is not. It is not because it is a fraud. A fraud persisted by many unscrupulous partners such as Finixio Ltd, who wilfully create fake reviews of these trading robots, pretending that they are reliable and worthwhile ways to increase you bank balance.

How Do Quantum AI Take Your Money?
Essentially they use an updated version of a boiler room scam. They persuade you to send them your details using absurd promises that would never work in the real world. These promises include:
- A 99.4% reliable prediction of the future
- A consistent level of reliability
- A profit of $1500 from $250 in just days
- Automating the entire trading process - just press go and wait!
- The trading system is 100% beginner-friendly (they want novices)
- Quality partnerships with leading brokers in Australia, the UK, and South Africa (These are the main targets for the english language version of the site, although they seem to be in Canada too.)
- That they are the first people to conquer AI on a quantum computing platform
Who Are Quantum AI?
Well in truth, they are nobody. They are just a concept that is sold to various criminals around the world who then post the website (which looks the same as all of the other Bitcoin Code, Immediate Edge, Tesler App wesbites) making all of their ridiculous promises. Examples are quantum-ai.io, thequantumai.app and the-quantum-ai.com. As you cane see they are already desperate for domain names as most of them have been exposed and shut down. Once a prospective novice trader reads their lies and believes them, they sign up with their contact form. As soon as they do this they are taken through to a fake broker site, and a boiler room scammer calls them on their phone.
Who Are The Quantum AI Boiler Rooms?
There is no special boiler room for Quantum AI, they are exactly the same people who run Bitcoin Circuit and Bitcoin Loophole, as well as all of their other scams. They will typically have a call centre in the UK for English speakers, but may also have one in Australia. They also have respective language call centres in many European countries so that they can speak to you in your own language or at least one you speak well. These are the people who break you down with their repeated lies about how you will make money. They are there to get all of your savings.
Who are the Quantum AI Brokers?
Well in the most part they are just criminals. They might have a legitimate license to be a broker in Cyprus or St Vincents and the Grenadines, but that will not be where they are situated. They will be in an office somewhere in the UK or Europe, operating from somewhere that the broker address mail is forwarded to. Here is an example broker that the system forwards you to with permission or any sign of contract or guarantee:
This broker claims all sorts of amazing things, such as
IcorpSecurities is one of world’s leading financial institutions specializing in Forex and CFDs trading. We became the first choice for many traders by providing quality trading services and exceptional support for all of our clients.
So they do not even appear to deal in Cryptocurrency as they only have an MT download. This is a sure sign that they are not real CFD brokers either, but just use the danger of the CFD product as a way to make you think you legally lost your money.
Who Runs Quantum AI?
Well this is the real question. Who runs it, and who receives the money they take? Where the money goes is still a difficult question. We believe that some of the brokers are run by the same UK companies that promote a lot of these criminal sites so that they do not have to bother with offshore partners. The call centres must have a UK company doing their payroll, but as yet we have not managed to prove a definite link between companies like Finixio and the offshore brokers. They may just be affiliates and so the legal connection is difficult to ascertain.
How Is Quantum AI Legal?
What they do isn't legal. The problem is trying to work out who actually committed the crime. Is it the advertiser making false promises or the broker taking your money offshore, who is not easily prosecutable by anyone in the UK. All these scams operate using affiliate networks, which means that the affiliates advertise a product or service and have a link with an affiliate code which lets the advertiser know who they have to pay for the prospect. This also means that the affiliates are not necessarily liable for any foul play you encounter once you have followed that link, you have moved from one legal entity to another with that click. Everyone of their affiliates working to get the huge affiliates fees offered, is working through an affiliate network. They often have a disclaimer saying that they are not giving advice and offer guarantees for any of the services advertised on their networks. Any of the Finixio sites always claim that they are not giving financial advice, and that they do not expect any illegal behaviour by the companies that they affiliate link to. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the Finixio links do not even carry an affiliate code indicating the Finixio run the scam sites as well.
We can see from sites like: https://mirrorspotlight.com/
Being forwarded by various idiots on FaceBook:

So you do have to be careful as these names are very trustworthy to the average social media addict. The website makes some amazing claims, as you can see below!
Smart Investing that Makes You $1500 in 5 Hours and Cures Poverty?? - It's Nonsense!
From here on we are referencing the 2021 version of Quantum AI app website in this review as opposed to the other version. You can see it below:
We will examine the video first:
Does Elon Musk Run Quantum AI?
OK so unfortunately I can immediately confirm that this isn't Elon Musk's voice. This is not a video of Elon Musk speaking in fact, it is a voiceover by some English bloke who does not sound that much like Elon Musk, because Elon Musk is not English, he is South African/American.
Also Elon Musk has an understanding of money as he founded PayPal and so he knows that if everyone were rich, then no one would be rich, as there is only so much resource for everyone to be able to buy, and far too many people to allow that much wealth for all.
This is obviously a huge red flag as it seeks to misinform and deceive using subterfuge and deception. This is a likely sign that this website is definitely a scam.
Is Elon Musk Trying to End Poverty?
Well if he was, it would hardly likely include making you rich, so we can safely say that this idea is not correct. Whatever Elon Musk is doing is primarily concerned with rockets and spending money on rockets is not a sign that you are concerned about the poor. Many people in poverty do not have access to the internet or bank funds to invest money anyway and so this solution is not really a good fit.
Then we read:
Poverty is a global issue, one which we aim to solve – forever. When you invest with 250$, you’re directly helping us save people’s lives – and making money!
Now this is obviously nonsense - how could our investment help other people? Even with the current insane ponzi scheme that passes as a banking system, money has to be coming from somewhere and the Central Banks do not send money directly to brokers. This is another huge red flag!
Is Quantum AI A Scam?
Well we can see further down the page, the website reads:
Big corporations are the ones holding all the keys to those big paychecks. With Quantum Computing, that’s no longer true. Now YOU have the power to make a great income. The power that was once reserve for the richest among us, is now yours.
Now Quantum Computing is a very difficult and expensive business that requires the qubit CPU to be cooled to very close to absolute zero (-273.15 degrees C) which is extremely difficult. Qubits dictate how much parallel processing a quantum CPU can compute and in the publicly disclosed computing world the number of qubits available is still very small. Elon Musk is also a public figure who speaks out against AI and warns of it as a menace, so starting a quantum AI computing trader system seems like odd behaviour. That is another huge red flag.
Moving down the page we see that they are asking for a $250 USD deposit to get started!!
OK so there you have it!
VERDICT: Quantum AI is a: SCAM !!!
Do not invest $250 USD or GBP no matter what they tell you!
Currently operating out of: https://quantumtraining.net/ and https://secret-pages.org/quant-ai/?oid=1221&qze=212&hitid=1
When you sign up they just transfer you to: onorio.live who are an unregulated, offshore MT5 broker...