Mailbox Size Warning for account [email protected] Some of your messages could not be send. Spam Warning!!!
You may receive this phishing attack message, so be warned:
Email account quota configuration settings for [email protected].
From: Mail Delivery System [email protected]
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 1:18 AM
To: Email Recipient
Subject: Mailbox Max Size Warning for account [email protected]
Email account quota configuration settings for [email protected].
Mailbox Size Warning for account [email protected] Some of your messages could not be send.
The following users have exceeded their individual quota: [email protected] Go to your account to fix this issue.
[email protected]
Use the email account password.
Incoming Server:
IMAP Port: 993
POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server:
SMTP Port: 465
A .mobileconfig file for use with iOS for iPhone/iPad/iPod and MacOS®® for Mountain Lion (10.8+) is attached to this message.
This notice is the result of a request made by a computer with the IP address of [email protected] through the Email service on the server.
The remote computer™s location appears to be: Your Location.
The remote computer™s IP address is assigned to your provider.
The system generated this notice on Friday, November 13, 2020 at 5:08:19 PM UTC.
This is an automated message, don't reply, your message will go nowhere.

Copyright© 2020 cPanel, L.L.C.
The link actually takes you here:[email protected] where the php script fills in the server name with something vaguely believable about your email address.
Clicking the link takes you through to this fake cPanel login page:
cPanel Login
HTTP error 401
Invalid Security Token, You must Login
The requested URL does not contain your session's correct security token.
You may have reached this error by copying and pasting a URL from a different cPanel, WHM, or Webmail session into your browser's address bar. To resolve this situation, please take one of the following steps:
- Go back one page and reload the URL, making sure that the /cpsess / section of the URL remains the same.
- Re-enter your account's password below. This will assign your session a new security token. This new token will prevent you from using other pages of this application that may be open in other tabs.
The page is already marked as dangerous on Microsoft Edge.
Google Chrome doesn't seem to mark anything bad anymore???
Come on Google !!!