Top of Page are allegedly a London based Fintech website, but as a UK business you are required to have certain information on your website, such as your company name and registration number, your address, your phone number. Techbullion seem to have neglected all of these items and only have a contact form so as to hide their identity.
On the about page there is one reference to a company called Rich Media Network Ltd which turns out to be registered at this address:
Rich Media Network Ltd,
Kemp House,
152 City Road,
If we have a quick look-up of that address we find a service called: which offers company formation services, call answering services and website design. In other words they are a business proxy that forwards mail for you so that you appear to have a London address. We can see their Rich Media affiliation below:

Who is Behind
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Rich Media do have an email address of [email protected] but that is all. They do not have a phone number or any other direct means of contact or identification. The company directors on CH are shown as:
MBA, Joachim
OKOYE, Izuchukwu Benedict, Dr.
at the same address in London. Both of whom are listed as having the nationality of Nigerian and residency as England, that is all fine in the internet world as their residency appears to be as they claim.
But we do feel this website prompts further investigation.
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Firstly they make a lot of non-legal claims based upon use of their website.
For instance, in their terms they stipulate that if any part of their website is linked to, copied or referenced without express permission, the other party automatically agrees to liquidated damages in the amount of $100,000 USD. Why would a London company express this amount in USD? The exchange rate is varying all of the time, a fact that a fintech company is presumably aware of, and so they would struggle to verify the damages paid to be correct. They also state that the infraction of these rules will cause the person browsing to be indebted to Techbullion, a trading name at best. They include in these infractions, referencing the website, so Google and other search engines must be paying them $100k USD regularly.
The infantile nature of these inferences is enough to concern us. It just doesn't seem as if anyone has thought anything through or has any understanding of legality. The threats are unenforceable because they are meaningless and that smacks of lack of experience.
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They also disclaim all responsibility for their content, which is an interesting notion. The website holds no responsibility for the accuracy of any material you may encounter whilst using it, which may mean that the owners do not actually produce any of the content, and that it may be newsfeeds from all around the world supplying sites to try and build ranking by feigning regularly updated content. It may also be that they published sponsored content without checking that content. Either way it does not make for a good place to go seeking financial advice.
So the website user is liable for everything and the owners are liable for nothing...
Secondly, the term they are using, damages, is a term inferring that they would have to prove that damages have occurred. This is not really very likely if you link to a site as you would improve their ranking on search engines and add to the worth of the website. This is a very odd state of affairs for a website claiming to produce financial news as they should be welcoming incoming links.
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Next we have the issue of some of their articles. We won't link to scammer articles like these, but we will show the location so that people can verify that an alleged advice website links to boiler room scammers.
Now Bitcoin Loophole is a very bad business, and by business we mean fraudulent scam. We can promise you that no magazine worth its salt would ever link to such a boiler room scam as it would destroy their reputation. A financial magazine would spend time and effort checking every article to ensure that their reputation would not be tarnished by sponsored content. This is a sure sign that much of the content on this website is from newsfeeds and other sites designed to increase site ranking in order to take affiliates fees from websites they surely must know to be more than a little questionable.
Bitcoin Loophole is what boiler room scammers refer to as advertising campaigns but they are anything but. They are fraudulent lies, circulated by affiliates of boiler room scams fighting over high affiliate fee pay-outs for finding new victims to their fraud.
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Well looking at articles like this:

We can see that these articles are just fake news nonsense and have no bearing on reality at all. Now may claim that this is a sponsored article and that they are not liable, but if they are faking articles as their own when they are sponsored then they are completely disingenuous as a site and should be avoided at all costs!
You can buy a press release on at coinbound here:
so that your articles can appear on their website. It does not appear to cost anything??? This seems odd and possibly dangerous to us.

On PRNews the cost for an article on TechBullion is £186.43 which is $258 USD roughly today.

Then things start to get a little odd.
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If we look them up on they are the same website but a very different geographical location and size:
TechBullion is a Financial Technology News Website, focusing on Global Fintech News and Market. Get the Latest Fintech Articles on Tech Bullion...
Headquarters: Tartu mnt 83-205, Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
Employees: 254
Revenue: $48 Million
So what is going on? Are the Nigerian people just a cover for an Eastern European company to delay tracking them down in case of fraud? It cannot be a mistake as the website URL takes you straight through to the website. This is very disturbing as we see a lot of scammers operate out of Tallinn. it just seems to be a good inaccessible place to be registered.
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If they are taking articles for £186 then we do not think it is likely that they have 254 employees turning over $48m. The sites is receiving 48k visits per day according to Alexa, so they must have some content worth reading.
So what can we tell you? The site definitely has links to boiler room scams so beware. If they can remove such scams from their site then perhaps some of the content is useful. In the meantime it is this author's advice to use caution when following links from the Techbullion site.
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