Here is another autotrading Bitcoin app that can make anyone rich with only a small investment and without risk.
So this is a very tempting offer. A no risk deal that can make you rich with only a small investment that can be made using your debit card. Let's see if we can make some money then and join the ranks of the Bitcoin Motion users that appear to be enjoying life without working and with complete freedom.
The website for Bitcoin Motion (at least the first one in the list as there are many) is https://bitcoinmotion.io/ and so we will start there.
Firstly let's have a look at the video on the page:
So, no banks, no fees, these are the potential advantages of this thing called Bitcoin. Obviously this video has been assembled from mainstream American media and has also been edited so as to contain no real facts or information at all. It is simply designed to bedazzle people.
Let's try registering with this site:
OK so we're not having much luck registering our interest as [email protected] but perhaps this is due to previous convictions of trying to annoy these people. We could try at one of the other Bitcoin Motion websites:
OK so this site is just a way of harvesting valid phone numbers and so when the online investments guide receive our call at their scam centre in Hong Kong, they will probably not respond favourably. Either way, this platform does not appear to do anything other than receive contact details, and has no trading capability at all.
What Does Bitcoin Motion Offer?
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According to bitcoinmotion.io the actual Bitcoin Motion system offers the following:
Bitcoin Motion is currently one of the best trading systems on the market. Our trading system uses state-of-the-art technology to make your trading experience effortless and profitable. You will find that our trading system is very user-friendly and its interface is easy to navigate. Both new and experienced traders should find their way around easily. This trading system is fully automated, which means it needs little effort from you. All you need to do is make sure you register successfully.
OK so this is all a bit vague. We are here looking at the Bitcoin Motion site and there does not seem to be any type of platform that would allow us to trade anything. The actual trading capabilities of the platform are not actually revealed either. There is no mention of what the platform trades or what the capabilities of the system are. This is very suspicious as anyone planning to trade and who has experience would certainly want to know what they are signing up for before posting their contact information. This is a strong indicator that they are only interested in novice traders who do not understand what trading really means, which is a sign that they are here to defraud you.
Is Bitcoin Motion Trustworthy?
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Well they do have a paragraph under Can you Trust Bitcoin Motion that reads:
Our trading system is fully transparent with all of its traders. Added to its transparency, it allows traders to demo-trade as a practice run before they go live. The registration is free and any time if a user feels uncomfortable they are not bound to the trading system. We offer a dedicated group of community managers to support users on their trading journey. You can have a look at what some of our current and previous users have to say about their experience with Bitcoin Motion.
This is a suspicious statement as there does not appear to be any transparency whatsoever. They do not divulge what the platform can trade, what the terms are, or who we would actually be dealing with legally. There is no mention of who runs the website, which territory the owners operate out of, or how to contact them. This lack of information is the exact opposite of transparency, and so this website appears to be very shady and not trustable at all. If we look at the bottom of the webpage where we would normally expect to see some sort of official notice concerning ownership, all we can see is a disclaimer that reads:
Important Risk Note: Trading can generate notable benefits; however, it also involves a risk of partial/full funds loss, and should be considered by initial investors. Around 70 percent of the investors will lose money. Carefully read our terms & conditions and disclaimer page before investing. Customers must be cognizant of their individual capital gain tax liability in their country of residence. It is against the law to solicit United States persons to buy and sell commodity options, even if they are called ‘prediction’ contracts unless they are listed for trading and traded on a CFTC-registered exchange or unless legally exempt.
This statement only eliminates the risk of the website operator, and we aren't even being told who that is. The fact that they are telling us we will most likely lose money in the small print at the bottom of the page is also a worry. if the product is so inherently risky, why are they claiming it as one of the best trading platforms on the market? The whole message of this website appears to be deception and there is no transparency of any kind. This is not a good website to send money to.
How Does Bitcoin Motion Work?
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Well that is an excellent question, and it is asked on the Bitcoin Motion website:
Bitcoin Motion is powered by a sophisticated algorithm and artificial intelligence. The algorithm scans the cryptocurrency market and global financial news to look for profitable trading signals. It is able to scan through huge amounts of data in mere seconds and derive profitable trading insights on your behalf. You do not have to do any manual trading. All you need to do is configure your settings with the help of one of our dedicated community managers.
There are a few conflicting terms in this statement. Firstly they are saying that the system operates from an algorithm and artificial intelligence. Now while it is true that any process can be regarded as an algorithm, AI is not typically referred to as such, and neither is an organic lifeform. The reason for this is that an algorithm is usually a known pathway or process, designed by a programmer or developer, whereas AI is rewriting its own code as it goes, and so the process will often have to be decoded by the developer, just as if it had been written by someone else entirely. Because of this, AI is not usually referred to as an algorithm as the actual code is essentially unknown.
Why Is an AI Unsuitable for Trading?
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Essentially for the reasons just discussed above. If you cannot understand why something is behaving the way it is in real time then it is very difficult to trust that entity as an advisor for making financial decisions. If an AI tells you to move all of your money into Ethereum and ETH then bombs, you will not find out why it recommended this without pulling the whole code to bits and working it out from first principles. In the meantime you have still lost all of your money and who is to blame? An AI that you trusted to advise you on financial matters? Who could you sue? You knowingly trusted a non-human entity to advise you on your trading strategy, and you can bet that Bitcoin Motion will not be held liable.
Why is AI Autotrading a Scam?
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So an AI that advises you on trading is a great scam as it means that you invested in a strategy that no living person is liable for. No one can be brought to bear the blame as no one made the decision. No developer is liable as the AI has rewritten its own code since then, and no one can sue a computer as it is not yet a legally responsible entity. You have just been ripped off by a system that is not accountable for it's own actions, or at least be the idea of one.
Why Is a Perfect Autotrading AI Impossible?
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Well we see that this AI allegedly scans the cryptocurrency markets and global financial news networks in order to produce trading signals to help you trade well. Trading signals are simply emails or messages that give you advice about what a market may or may not do, and are generally considered to be unreliable by most accomplished traders.
In the Bitcoin Motion website text they are claiming that their AI can read the news. If the AI was really capable of understanding the financial news, then presumably it would read conflicting stories and evidence and somehow know what to trust and what not to trust. This is an interesting claim as it would mean that the AI would have what is referred to as genuine artificial intelligence in order to evaluate truthfulness this way. In other words it would be a superintelligence, and capable of outwitting most of Planet Earth's population. We consider this beyond unlikely.
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Never invest with any site associated with, or recommending these scammers. Report any website that recommends this scam to authorities. Make the web safer for us all...
Who Operates Scams Like Bitcoin Motion?
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One of the actual company names that rears its ugly head over and over again is Finixio Ltd. They are almost single-handedly responsible for all of the fake review and news concerning these boiler room scams world wide. Their website repeatedly deny that they wish any illegal activity be brought against users of their websites, but this is obvious nonsense, as their website contain little else other than false reviews of scams by fake journalists. Here are a few examples:
BuyShares.co.uk parent company is Finixio Ltd, an online media company based in London, UK and the company registration number is 11705811.

Tradingplatforms.com has no intention that any of the information it provides is used for illegal purposes. It is your own personal responsibility to make sure that all age and other relevant requirements are adhered to before registering with a betting operator. By continuing to use this website you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Registered Company number: 11705811

Banklesstimes.com belong to intent.uk:

capitalbusinessmedia.co.uk are another big owner of websites taking money for connecting novice traders to boiler room scammers:
Due to the reactionary and fast pace of the UK business sector Business Matters does not operate a forward features list, but plans three months ahead for it’s monthly print & iPad editions and weekly for online and accepts feature pitch ideas to [email protected]
For more information on Capital Business Media, the publishers of Business Matters please go to The Capital Business Media web site

They appear to be run out of a domain called cbmeg.co.uk which we will investigate in another article.
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