Pattern Trader - Another Boiler Room Scam!

This new version of the fake autotrading robot scam follows almost exactly the same premise as the majority of the boiler room scams online. It is an advertising scheme suggesting that some sort of magic software can make you thousands of dollars in a single day from a paltry investment sum. You can see from the video below just how ridiculous their claims are:
Let's have a look at the script to work out what is being promised, and which of those promises has any basis in truth. So, they begin by saying:
It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter how you found this page. Today is your lucky day. You're about to get exclusive access to the best and most reliable AUTOTRADING software out there. You will get free and unconditional access to software that's making a minimum of $2,200 for its users every day.
Phrases that should always make anyone cautious include Today is your lucky day as this is the birdsong of a conman. No one in their right minds would say this phrase to a stranger unless it was some sort of joke. This phrase alone is such a huge red flag that you should assume the website stating it is not worth the light emanating from your screen. Do not send any money to anyone promising it is your lucky day, ever. That is clue number one.

Autotrading Robot AIs
Another word that should strike fraud into the heart of any internet user is autotrading. Autotrading is the concept that you can leave a computer in charge of your money and when you come back it has made you a fortune while you sleep. Now something like AI is a very useful tool for many reasons. Although there has been a lot of scaremongering about AI by many big names such as Hawkins and Musk, they all seem to have jumped on the bandwagon now and are rolling out AI products.
AI is very useful because it uses basic rules to learn by trial and error, until it begins to operate entirely of its own accord. The AI begins making decisions that cannot be understood without disassembling the code completely and working out what has influenced that AI to do what it did. This may be useful in driving a car or lorry, or even operating an aircraft as the decisions being made are under certain conditions, and they can connect together a lot of different processes and use an AI to decide which process is the most appropriate. In a car, for instance, you could operate an emergency brake procedure because a front-mounted radar detector sends a proximity signal to the AI which the AI assumes is a pedestrian.
In the case of trading, this is more complex. An AI has no knowledge of the markets unless it is plugged into the numbers and, although it can watch those numbers, without a financial news-link, it cannot understand what may influence those numbers. In other words, for an AI to make an assumption, it would have to comprehend the markets in some way that we would not, and so we would not know why it made a trade until we disassembled the code. This means that all of your money could be lost and the owner of that AI would not only not be liable, but could not tell you what happened. This is the basis by which the autotrading scam operates. It is a blameless loss of your money. It is impossible to identify the scammer.

An Example of a Pattern 'Trader' Website
Repetition of Lies vs. Contradicting Disclaimers
Another trick of the conman is the repetition of lies. This is what we see, in the following:
Let me repeat that. Everyone who's using this software is raking in a minimum of $2,200 daily.
So they are reiterating that everyone using this Pattern Trader software makes $2200 per day, every day the markets are open, and with cryptocurrency, that is every day. Is this possible? Well in terms of the product they are offering, no it isn't CFDs (Contracts for Differences, a very complex trading security product) can only make you money as long as the broker can pay-up, and if you are making $2200 per day along with thousands of other people, the brokers are very soon going to go out of business. So the question you have to ask is, who would let you use this software? Well let's have a quick look at the profits disclaimer at the bottom of the page:
IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
Earnings and income representations made by , (collectively “This Website”) only used as aspirational examples of your earnings potential. The success of those in the testimonials and other examples are exceptional results and therefore are not intended as a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will vary and are entirely dependent on your use of .
This Website is not responsible for your actions. You bear sole responsibility for your actions and decisions when using products and services and therefore you should always exercise caution and due diligence. You agree that this Website is not liable to you in any way for the results of using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.
This Website may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you. If you do not want This Website to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for a similar product through a non-affiliate link.
All characters, information and events depicted on This Website are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Beware, there is no legal name or entity here! This is a massive red flag and means that you are dealing with criminals, even if they are just affiliates of scammers. These affiliates still know that they are defrauding you, they just have a 'I didn't realise it was a scam' get out of jail free card, as they only take an affiliate fee when you sign up. The affiliates are not where your money goes directly. The website is freely admitting here that it is just an affiliate linking advert, and has no basis in truth. It freely admits that the videos it displays are full of lies, and that you should never trust them. The problem is, that this is the internet, and there no advertising standards to enforce as there are not in any recognisable territory.

How Does Pattern Trader Work?
Well this is an important question, and one that we will only really be able to answer later. This Pattern Trader page has a lot of text and video script to go through, and we need to address all of these points to stop people being drawn in by any lies we have failed to address.
Funnily enough, the scammers seem to have a similar idea, they are promising to explain how everything works too.
Before we go any further and I give you a proper explanation of how this works, let me make something perfectly clear. I'm not selling anything on this page. On this page, you will only collect your profits.
Now this is another gigantic red flag. This script is suggesting that this entity is not a business. They are making no money out of you signing up, they are just some sort of friendly force giving out free money online. This is clearly ridiculous. Who is paying for their hosting? Who is paying the people making the video? Who pays the web-designer? This is utterly impossible just from first principles alone and should be a clear indicator in anyone's mind, that we are dealing with a scam. If they are not a business, what else could they be. This is starting to explain why there are no clear contact details on this website. This is a criminal enterprise proliferated by untrustworthy scammer affiliates who run every type of disingenuous review site pretending that pattern trader is not just a scam.
So now we mov on to simple, straightforward lying. The fist thing that these CFD brokers do is ask you to deposit money. That is how it all begins, as soon as you fill in your details as requested:
And yet their next statement is:
And you will never, ever be asked for a single cent. Let me be completely honest with you. The reason why you are here is that we need more partners for our investing software. The more partners we have and the more money they make, the more money we make also. In a moment, I'll explain to you how this works and you will understand the point of it and all the reasons behind it.
Just complete nonsense...
Another trick these scammers often use is the introduction of a central character that is supposed to have invented it all. Whether it is Steve FcKay, Jeff Robins, Mark Cuban or Elon Musk, they try and establish themselves either as a well-known celebrity, or as a fake one that they claim is a huge technology and finance mogul. Here we can see it in practice:
My name is Jeff Robins. I'm the CEO of the pattern trader app. I started this company over five years ago. The reason I invested all my life savings into the development of this pattern trader app is simple. I tried all trading and signal systems out there, but none of them brought me the kind of money I always wanted.
The Re-Invest Scam
The reason that they do this is so that they have a voice within your mind, someone who is actually going through the process of inventing this thing, even though in reality it does not actually exist. As you can read below, they then proceed to explain what has happened whilst they supposedly created this non-existent trading platform.
Instead of actually making money with these tools, I kept investing money into them. It took me many months to build a team which could develop such a powerful tool. I managed to hire the best programmers and top binary option analysts to help me with my mission. To cut a long story short, after four years, we're ready to launch the app. But first, I decided to only make it available to 50 lucky beta testers.
The basic message is: keep investing. The reason for this is that with something like CFDs or Binary Options you win or lose. If you keep placing trades(which are essentially bets with the brokerage) then you will always lose. There is only one way to win at CFDs and that is to play until you win and then quit. They just want you to lose so that they can take your money. They will take it anyway, but they want you to feel that you lost it.

We found a gold mine, an infinite stream of money available to everyone. We just wanted to be completely sure that the code we made would be secure and all our databases would be able to handle the honour of traders willing to make money online. After a year of intense tweaking of our algorithm, I can finally say we are ready. The pattern trader is now going to be made available to the general public. And I'm happy we did it this way.
As you can see, it is utterly ridiculous. An infinite amount of anything immediately makes it worthless. You can't easily sell pollution or sand, because there is so much of it. The same would go for an infinite amount of money. Inflation would be out of control. If there was an an infinite stream of money available to everyone then what would be the point of it? People would be trying to get rid of wheelbarrows full of worthless cash. This is plainly written by someone seeking people who do not understand money.
I'm glad we didn't rush things and go full throttle to launch in 2015, because now the software is much more powerful. Let me show you an example. This is an account of Susan Richards chiefs among our first ten beta testers. This record is from the 4 August 2015. Susan opened a trading account with just $250 and started trading the very same day.
So here we reach another staple part of their articles, the experience of one of the traders that was using the app and what they discovered. Often they will use a journalist as the character for this, but here we are being talked through the whole thing by the alleged creator of the app.
At the end of the day, just 5 hours later, she had $1,050 available for immediate spending. But it gets even better because the pattern trader is doing this every day. You can see Susan's account here. Day by day, month by month. Last year, there wasn't a single day when she earned less than $1,000.
Fake Testimonials and Customers
As you can see they are suggesting that with no knowledge, no risk and hardly any investment, you will be earning over $350k each year and that is supposedly just going to keep going up more and more each year. The idea is utterly ridiculous. If this app was real then every broker on Earth would be out of business forever.
They are using fake images of phone screens to try and convince you that these people made themselves better off using the Pattern Trader software, but the text has been altered by the scammers. The pictures will just be robbed off of some screenshots somewhere on Facebook or similar and the text replaced with this Pattern Trader nonsense.
Let's quickly scroll through this August so I can show you the difference between now and then, because now Susan is making profits of more than $2,200 daily. This is the reason why I'm happy. We waited and took our time optimising the results of the app. The Pattern Trader is now making more than twice as much as it was last year, and I'm pretty sure we'll continue this trend and we'll be making much more by this time next year. I don't think that I'm exaggerating when I say that the Pattern app is so powerful that it can turn your whole world upside down.
The claims are gradually becoming more and more extreme as the scammers try to build a confidence in you with their confidence trick. This is the essence of what a conman does. They take you as far away from the truth as possible so that it seems impossible that the truth can be true. It is impossible to image that these are con-artists because they have spent so much time feeding you the opposite, that they are some sort of force for good. Here they are reiterating that very point:
We've seen so many success stories. We've seen so many people going from having a regular job to working from home. So many people turning their $250 into thousands of dollars. Let's listen to what the other beta testers are saying about the app. My family is financially stable because of you.
"I'm trading with your software, and it is spectacular. You are the best. It is really working like magic. Hey, man, it is working. Call me back if you want to change your life the way these people did."
As you can see they are claiming that the second paragraph above is a quote from a customer that is making a good living with the PatternTrader software. They do not give any details of the person, only that they have been making profits daily. This is not a claim by PatternTrader, it is just an out-and-out fabrication.
Listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you over the next few minutes. By using the Pattern Traders algorithm, you're on the winning side. You'll never experience a losing day again. In the next few minutes, you'll be granted access to the app and its secret algorithm, which we've been working on for the last five years. But before I give you free access to the software, let me clear up a couple of the most frequently asked questions we get from users here at Pattern Trainer.

No Risk, No Skills, No Investment
Anything is possible, it really is. That is a fact. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen. There are only two things that cannot happen in a realm where anything is possible; always and never. If anyone says you will never experience a losing day or trade again, they are a scammer. No one would ever claim this, it is a legal landmine. Any lawyer can very quickly disprove always or never, as they are both concepts that require infinity, which is quite simply an unhuman idea. If you want to talk about never with authority, then you really do need to be immortal, or a conman. The only claim that could be as stupid is that anyone can make money with no experience or skills and without risk...
No, you don't need any special knowledge. No, it doesn't matter who you are, whether you're young or retired or a technically minded person or not. No, you don't need any experience with trading. And finally, no, you don't need large sums of money to invest. The best thing about Pattern Trader is that we made the app to be used by regular people just like you.
Oh yes they do! They really do claim that without any skills or luck and without risk, you just sit there watching money arrive throughout the day. They are literally destroying the concept of working for money here, live on the internet. Their supposed invention makes it pointless going to work or selling or buying anything because they have made money free. It really is that stupid. Next time we walk into a shop the retailer will be in the office at the back saying 'What's the point?' 'Why would I sell you anything? I've got free money!' It is quite simply beyond belief how they are getting away with this. Welcome to the internet!
Now our imaginary friend, Jeff, is explaining that he takes no money for investment, even though that is exactly what happens when you sign-up.
It's not another case of pay me 10,000 and I'll turn it into $20,000. It's easy to make money when you have money to invest. But this specific software was made for people who have little money and want to finally change their financial future. Let's get straight to the point. What exactly is the Pattern Trader?

What Does PatternTrader Really Do?
What does it really do? Well before I let our friend Jeff explain this, I just want to remind everyone that his idea of the truth is an abstract one. He is, after all, in reality a voiceover artist, and artists come in three types. The first type of artists makes something that expresses something to themselves and if other people see something in it that expresses something to them, they buy that item and the artist makes a legitimate living as an artist. The second kind, like the majority of voiceover artists, makes their work to order. They do not choose what to say or how to say it. They just follow orders. This is a misuse of the word artists really, as they are just following a cue. The third type is a con-artist. They are creators without a doubt, they can just never go to the same patron twice.
Here we can see that out voiceover artist is being directed by the con-artist, and what we wind up with is a fabricated product. A product that supposedly learns from patterns and somehow knows when those patterns will be repeated even though it has no access to, or understanding of the influence on the markets that created the patterns in the first place.
What does it do? What is it capable of? Well, you've already seen what it can do. It's about time to also explain to you a little about our algorithm and about the way our software will be making money on your behalf. We've managed to place secure servers in every stock exchange in the world. We have our own servers in New York. We are in Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels, Shanghai, Madrid, Sydney. We're everywhere. We've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into this infrastructure. The faster our software executes the trades, the better the results. The fact that we are physically represented on every single stock exchange out there helps us to gain a winning rate of 90%. But fast and expensive hardware is just one part of the puzzle. The main thing is information. Information is power, and today it's more true than ever. That's why our servers are not just executing the trades, but also going through past events and looking for so called pattern trades.
So they are presenting the idea of their supposed product, PatternTrader. A system that has learned from pattern in the past and now applies these patterns to the future and manages to never lose.

Now at this point, it is important to mention that this is what most traders do. They apply bull or bear market ideas to situations and try to use these templates/ideas to predict the market short term and make money. The trick is to know which template to apply. What this means is that the PatternTrader has a lot of choices to make, so claiming that it could never lose doesn't even fit with the idea they are trying to create in our heads.
Let me show you something very interesting. After I show you just one example of pattern trades, you will see immediately what it's all about. The best visualise things. Let's zoom out a bit. This is a financial graph of gold and it's price evolution between 1975 and 1979.This is another graph of gold, but this time it's for the period of 2000 to 2005. Don't they both look the same? History repeats itself, sometimes daily, sometimes weekly, sometimes in yearly patterns. But it repeats over and over again.
If we know how something behaved in the past, we can forecast with certain probability what's also going to happen in the future, right? And this is exactly where our software is the most powerful, because it's not comparing data every year nor every month, it's reading data from financial markets every few seconds. The only task of the pattern trader is to find repeating patterns of certain assets. And the rest is easy. If you know how your forefathers behaved in a given situation, you can also predict someone else's behaviour in the same situation.
The very same thing is happening in trading. If we know that the price of gold is reacting to certain events in a certain way, we can take advantage of this and make money. Let me repeat it again. We're not talking about a couple of $100. We are speaking about a minimum of $2,200 that you can transfer to your bank account every single day.
Just to be clear, previous performance is no guarantee of future potential. You do not bet on the football exactly as it occurred last year because the only thing that is certain is that the same results will not occur. A pattern is just an approximation of what happened, it does not explain why or how it happened, it is just an assumption that there is some innate truth in the rate or frequency of what has occurred previously. These patterns are sometimes used as definition of recognised behaviour. This is where ideas of bull markets or bear markets are made. They are an assumption of behaviour based upon movement of prices, and as these ideas influence the market, they create the market conditions as many of the traders follow the same templates, patterns and ideas.

So it is true that patterns are a way of interpreting markets and making assumptions about market conditions and future potentials. Most of these ideas are well known and often used. They are in no way a guarantee of success though, as the markets have long ago evolved. Newer tactics have become commonplace and have changed how markets work and what influences them. The important choice is not to use a pattern, but which pattern you are going to use.
How can we be so sure that you're going to make such amounts? It's statistics. Numbers never lie. We're using the most proven statistical and mathematical method and it guarantees success. On average, we can predict all trades with 90% accuracy.
That means massive success and huge profits in the long run. If you want to make quick money, you can be absolutely sure this is not for you. Someone who is looking to make 50,000 within two days either lives in a fairy tale or is absolutely insane. We can probably make such software, but the risk of losing money would be higher than it is now. We would need to make many more trades to earn that much money.
At the moment, pattern trader is only making the trades we are certain will bring success. We prefer to be making a steady $2,200 a day for life, rather than quick money that could just come and go. You're probably wondering, how often are the patterns repeating? Statistically speaking, it's about 13,333 times a day. Every day, the pattern trader records 7000 individual opportunities on the market.
As you can read in the above. The idea that there is a constant win rate for trades is central to the deception. They want to convince you that everybody nearly always wins. This is completely at odds with what they were stating a few minutes ago in this video. They were repeating over and over again that you would always be on the winning side and never have another losing day. Now they are claiming that it is only ninety percent accurate, and there is a reason for this.
The simple truth is that they are creating a situation in your head. They start off with perfect. This is a computer, it's perfect. it neve loses. They use this idea to fill you with excitement and get you over the threshold where you decide to sign-up. Once you are there, they then try toi back away from this perfect idea. They want you to keep trusting them even when they have already taken some of your money and given you nothing in return. They want you to keep feeding their machine even though there is no reason to. This is why they begin to make the odds less favourable. Oh, you lost, it happens, keep betting, you'll win soon. They have taken an idea to trick you into being a gambler, and now they are using the gamblers disease to try and trick you out of everything.
Of course, not all these opportunities are 100% guaranteed winners. That's why we added accuracy as the most important parameter for executing the trades. The pattern trader only makes a trade if there's a 90% chance of winning. So out of a total of 7000 opportunities, pattern trader will only make the best 1%. On average, you'll be given around 70 guaranteed trades daily.
The rest is just a question of your budget. Let's do the math together. If you make all 70 trades every day, at least 63 of them should be winners. The pattern trader usually places trades for $20 on each trade you make around $16. So you can be making a minimum of $2,268 every day.
Now this is just complete nonsense. Apart from the fact that there is no PatternTrader software, they are now suggesting that you will have to manually make all these trades and that they will just be suggestions or trading signals. They use the word signals when they just mean advice. Emails or messages that supposedly give you a heads up on winning trades shortly before you need to make them. SO the screenshots we saw earlier of a trading software that just makes money had to have been faked. This is where you must admit to yourself that this is a fantasy. It is impossible, ands they have admitted such. This is a galactically gargantuan red flag and it is time to cast a verdict.