If only companies such as KeyCDN.com actually cared about the environment they subject us and our offspring to, the world would be a safer and happier place for us all. Instead we endlessly contend with fraud, crime, pornography and every other evil the internet forces upon us all.

Once again we are requesting that this scammer service, which seems to host the images, video and favicon for every one of these boiler room sites, be blocked from providing their content.
Here we are again at https://www.keycdn.com/contact asking them to drop the content and report the use to the FBI.
We are still seeing a huge number (the majority in fact) of boiler room scams that defraud people the world over using your services and they have been for years.
Today we see the false crypto coin sites claiming to be eKrona using https://static-13333.kxcdn.com/8461/media/en-1.mp4 for their scam videos stealing money from poor, desperate people every minute.
We would have expected a company such as your to wish to distance themselves from such activity but your continuing indifference has demonstrated otherwise.
We assume the chances of you reporting these people to the FBI have been reduced to zero now.
They will undoubtedly respond at some point and proceed to take no affirmative action.
Here is the scammer video in all it's gory glory: