Confirm Usage For - [email protected] - SPAM WARNING !!

Confirm Usage For - [email protected] - SPAM WARNING !! This email spamming Office 365 users has b

Confirm Usage For - [email protected] - SPAM WARNING !! 

This email spamming Office 365 users has been seen this week.

Confirm Usage For - [email protected]



P­a­s­sw­o­r­d­ ­f­o­r­ [email protected] e­x­p­ir­e­s t­o­d­a­y.­
Y­o­u c­a­n ­u­s­e ­C­u­r­r­e­nt ­P­ass­w­o­r­d­.

­U­­s­e C­u­r­r­e­n­t P­a­ss­w­o­r­d­


Needless to say we have reported this site as dangerous and left them a few encouraging messages via the password field.
Please report any email addresses that are the source of this message and the website itself.

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