💰 Recipient - Can Bitcoin make you a millionaire? - SPAM WARNING !!
Our psychopathic friends at the Bitcoin Millionaire Group are out and about again this week.
Their email format has been polished somewhat but the message is still as disingenuous as ever.
The email itself is below as we received it:

With all of the links to images etc., the email only leaves us with the following:
From: Caren Mccormick <[email protected]>
Sent: 20 November 2018 13:34
To: Recipient
Subject: 💰 Recipient - Can Bitcoin make you a millionaire?
Support - Can Bitcoin make you a millionaire?
The short answer is - YES! We'll show you why.
Huge transfers to your PayPal account every week!
Automatically trade cryptocurrencies using special algorithms created to make you earn even when you are asleep.
Withdraw money to your bank account or PayPal account whenever you want!
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Artificial Intelligence that works and earns for you.
Bitcoin has caused many people to become multimillionaire in recent years. This is due to the tremendous growth of Bitcoin's value over the years.
Today, when the market is stable, we can use for this purpose both increases and decreases in value.
A special Automatic Robot was created for these needs. He is able to multiply money, even when we sleep! Technical knowledge and experience are not required!
Registration is free only for the first 100 people. We want you to become a millionaire and share your story with others. Register now and do not miss this opportunity!
The links of various parts of the message link to: http://yn.automaticprofits.info/go/[string] presumably to pass your email address back to the source as vulnerable.
The 'free registration link goes to: http://yn.automaticprofits.info/go/[string] to take you through to the site itself where they may attempt to defraud you.
From there you are forwarded to the usual Bitcoin nonsense site: https://en.bitcoinmillions.xyz
Please report all of these sites as fraudulent as they surely are.
Hopefully soon they will be taken down as they help no one, not even the swindlers themselves.
None of teh above will make you any money so do not sign up under any circumstances.