BACs Transaction Report - Important Information! - Spam Warning !!!
This is a scam on the scene this week, fake BACS transactions that have failed:
From: BACs Report <[email protected]>
Sent: 22 November 2018 12:52
To: Recipient
Subject: BACs Transaction Report - Important Information!
Attachments: 18281920931BACS.xls
Your recent BACs transaction ( REF #18281920931 ), recently sent from your current account was canceled and return to your bank. BACS Transaction ID: 18281920931 Return Reason: Invalid/Incomplete Account Number or Sort Code BACS Transaction Report: 18281920931BACS.xls ( Microsoft Excel Document ) Processing your BACs file may get damaged when uploading a payment file to your bank,you can get an error message a warning or the file is uploaded as free format when it should not. In relation to the processing cycle, this is the last stage where the payment instruction is applied to (enters) the destination account (arrival, input, processing, entry). A set of payment instructions in the correct format to be submitted for processing by BACS. A payment file can contain several day sections and account sections.A data record that effects the movement of money from one account to another or that sets up a Direct Debit at a destination bank/building society. A payment instruction can be either a debit, a credit or a Direct Debit Instruction (not including any signed authority). If you have any questions, please contact our Service Desk team on 0370 165 0018, we’ll be happy to help.
This e-mail contains information intended for the addressee only. It may be confidential and may be the subject of legal and/or professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this e-mail and/or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please use the reply function to tell us and permanently delete the message. Please note: Incoming and outgoing e-mail messages are routinely monitored for compliance with our policy on the use of electronic communications. BACs scans outgoing e-mails for viruses and it is your responsibility to carry out any checks before opening the e-mail and/or attachments.
Now this email revolves around the attachment as you can see - there is only one link pointing to: which actually forwards you to a warning about the BACS message after (presumably) noting your email address, so don't click on it.
The attachment requires editing to enable it's macros:

The macros were password protected and that was as far as we were interested in exploring this.
Obviously report the sender as a source of spam and the domain as a bad website.