Alert : New Online Payslip - Spam Warning !!
Watch out for this email - it is an attachment scam but it does look convincing nonetheless.
From: Sage Online <[email protected]>
Sent: 15 November 2018 13:50
To: Your Name
Subject: Alert : New Online Payslip
Attachments: payslip.doc
This email was sent to: [email protected]
New Online Payslip
You have a new payslip ready to view. To view it now, simply download the attachment.
New payslip for: 2018-11-15
View your payslips by logging into your account now.
Log in
If you are having issues accessing the site please copy and paste the link into your browser.
Help with using Online Payslips
If you want more information about using this service, take a look at our user guide.
Read more

This email and any files attached are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please let us know by replying to the sender, and immediately delete this email from your system. Please note that in these circumstances, the use, disclosure, distribution or copying of this information is strictly prohibited.
The links are correct and actually point at in the hope you will open and permit the attachment to run the macro onboard:

We are not running the macro to see what it does but do be sure to remain safe and not test it yourself.
Report their email address as dangerous and inform Sage by email, especially if you are a customer of theirs. has a full SPF record to protect you from spam so if your email provider is correctly using DKIM or SPF you will not see this message.
Stay safe...