WarriorPlus Free Money Scams

All of the classic scammer notions are present and all of this is supposedly so that you will purchase a one-off $21 USD digital course and never be bothered again as you you will be rich. Of course the truth is a little more troublesome.

As you can see from the below, these sites fulfill every part of the typical scammer profile..

  • They have a countdown telling you to 'buy now or miss-out'
  • They endlessly promise a free, passive income for no rick, no costs and without the need for skills or fortune
  • They are supposedly foolproof
  • You are ostensibly one of a tiny minority that has discovered this 'loophole'

All of the classic scammer notions are present and all of this is supposedly so that you will purchase a one-off $21 USD digital course and never be bothered again as you you will be rich. Of course the truth is a little more troublesome. 

You see, as with all affiliate scams, this whole thing is based upon drip-feeding people more and more digital rubbish until they have sucked them dry. Each part of the course is based upon the 'but if you want to make a lot of money now' principle. That once you have been sucked in and have pledged a sum of money, you become more and more susceptible to being defrauded for more and more money. once the scammers have built up a level of trust within you, you will be more easily convinced of their good intentions even though you have never made any money from any of their products. It is the same principle that scammers defrauding old people work upon. Once you have you foot in the door, you can just keep pretending to be their best friend. If you have no conscience, you have nothing to lose.

We made a quick video explaining what the scam is and how ridiculous the whole scam is:



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