SO here is a little code from an average affiliate scammer site:
"bitcoinbillionaire": "bitcoin-billionaire-copy.png",
"bitcoinbuyer": "Bitcoin-Buyer-Logo.jpeg",
"bitcoincode": "Bitcoin-Code-logo.jpeg",
"bitcoinera": "bitcoin-era-logo.png",
"bitcoinevolution": "bitcoin-evolution-logo.jpeg",
"bitcoinfreedom": "Bitcoin-Freedom.jpeg",
"bitcoinfuture": "bitcoin-future-logo.png",
"bitcoinloophole": "Bitcoin-Loophole.jpeg",
"bitcoinmillionairepro": "bitcoin-millionaire-pro.png",
"bitcoinprime": "bitcoin-prime.png",
"bitcoinprofit": "bitcoin-profit-logo.png",
"bitcoinrevolution": "Bitcoin-Revolution.png",
"bitcoinsuperstar": "bitcoin-superstar-logo.png",
"bitcoinbank": "bitcoinbank.png",
"bitcoinchampion": "bitcoinchampion.png",
"bitcointrader": "bitcointrader.png",
"bitiq": "bitiq.png",
"bitqt": "bitqt.png",
"bitcoinsystem": "btcsystemlogo.png",
"cryptorobo": "cryptorobo.jpeg",
"eKrona": "eKrona.jpeg",
"formulefrançaise": "Formule-Francaise.png",
"immediateedge": "immediate-edge.png",
"oilprofit": "oilprofit.png",
"royaldutchshelloilprofit": "logo_shell.png",
"investoilinvestroyaldutchshell": "logo_shell.png",
"britishpetroleum": "BP_Helios_logo.png",
"investoilinvestbritishpetroleum": "BP_Helios_logo.png",
"canadainvest": "CanadaInvest.png",
"greeceinvest": "GreeceInvest.png",
"britishinvest": "BritishInvest.png",
"edfinvest": "EDFInvest.png",
"enelinvestor": "enelinvestor.png",
"aussieinvest": "aussie_invest_logo.png",
"grupodigitalpeso": "grupo-digital-peso.png",
"cryptoengine": "CryptoEngine.png",
"asianinvest": "asian_invest_logo.png",
"bitcoinclever": "bitcoinclever.png",
"bitcoinmotion": "BitcoinMotion.png",
"bitcodeprime": "BitcodePrime.png",
"immediateconnect": "ImmediateConnect.png",
"bitcoinsmarter": "BitcoinSmarter.png",
"bitprofit": "BitProfit.png",
"bitalphaai": "BitAlphaAI.png",
"bitindexprime": "bitindexprime.png",
"biticodes": "BitiCodes.png",
"bitcoin360ai": "Bitcoin360AI.png",
"bitcoin360aiapp": "Bitcoin360AI.png",
"biticodes.com": "BitiCodes.png",
"metaprofit": "METAPROFIT.png",
As you can see, what is happening here is that the page collects which product it is affiliating for from the links that sent the reader there. This page is designed to show whichever logo is required and whichever product name is relevant, they just use the same script for everything. The only other selection that is made from the link is the language.
What this means in real terms is that they use the same advertising script for every product in this list, so every single one of these products is just a marketing brand. It has no real product as it has no specification or capability. It has features, it has no details. It is just a brand name to get you to enter your details into a contact form.
There is no Immediate Edge
There is no Bitcoin 360 AI
There is no eKrona
They are all just the same scam to defraud you of your savings, and this code is the proof!