What is the MSN Scam?
There are scams even on the front pages of MSN (shown by default on any Microsoft Windows machine as soon as you try and browse the web) meaning that before you have even browsed to the first website you may ever see on your new machine from Microsoft, you have already been exposed to dangerous crimes supported by the manufacturer of your computers software.
This particular scam actually uses the MSN logo to associate themselves with the supposed security and morality of Microsoft. They literally use the MSN logo as a springboard into the safe part of your consciousness so as to be able to defraud you more easily. Microsoft actually hand the scammers the keys to the part of your mind connected with safety and security, and help them pry their way in.
Opening Microsoft Edge we are immediately greeted with these: UK 'Lotto Winner' Reveals Life After Blowing £10m Jackpot

The scam adverts circled in orange on MSN above are a confidence designed to make people believe that Michael Carroll (a previous lottery winner who squandered his money in a very public and gratuitous way) has reclaimed his wealth using a trading app named Bitcoin Motion. Bitcoin Motion is an old confidence trick heralded at the start of the Bitcoin craze as a way to make money without needing investment or knowledge. It was a scam designed to get people signing up with boiler room scams (gangs of phone thugs forcing people into trading products they did not understand) to lose all of their money on phoney overseas broker websites registered in Cyprus or the Caribbean.
As soon as you click on what is ostensibly a new article, condoned by MSN, you enter a very dangerous world of fake news, hidden lies and corporate misrepresentation.
Bear in mind that all of this is unquestionably condoned by Microsoft. They are telling us this news on the first page of the internet.
Arriving at https://landerclub.co/df1f8b7db9adaab954da5235bcc78a3e72ce912c? we see:

So as you can see they have once again pasted this mans head on someone else's body and are going with the headline 'The Biggest Deal in Dragons' Den History, That Can Make YOU Rich In Just 7 Days!'
As usual in all of these fake new con-artist articles they use every trustable logo going to try and suggest some sort of association with the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Sun, Good Morning Britain and MSN.
What is a Confidence Trick?
This is how a confidence trick works, to take you as far away from the truth as possible, until you cannot believe that the truth is real. The truth is, of course, that you have just been defrauded and everything you have read is a complete lie.
Once we have been convinced of the reality of this Bitcoin Union idea, we are then sent by our next click on the 'Withdraw Now!' link to the Bitcoin Union website where we will be asked for our details and contacted by the boiler room scammers.

How Does Bitcoin Union Work?
As you can see here they are actually using the MSN icon to form associations further than just advertising on MSN and that the bitcoinunion.co website is where the actual boiler room scam begins. They are telling us, as most scammers do, that time is limited. We have to make a decision now before it is too late. This is a vital part of the scam, to change your state of mind into one of panic. You must be made to feel you are missing out on something and that you will never get another chance to become rich if you do not click now. In other words, you are taken to state of mind where you have lost the ability to think rationally, all thanks to Microsoft.
Once we have entered our details, we are taken back to the landercluc.co website whereupon the boiler room scammers contact us.

The boiler room scammers are the people who do the heavy lifting of this scam. They are a room full of unpleasant telephone thugs under a huge amount of pressure administered by an even more unpleasant chief telephone thug who drive all of the other phone thugs to extort as much money as possible from the victims at the other end of the line.
They will generally start out by taking you through the fake trading interface that you find yourself viewing here: https://www.erzinex.com//trade-room/?token=92f08fff6d45f01c0f6010deca775abf&action=forexDeposit&lang=en#/(deposit:emptypsp and show you your deposited balance (which isn't real, all of your money is long gone) and make you think that you have just made a profit of unbelievable value. Once you have been convinced that the auto-trading robot is real, you will be instructed to deposit all of your money and this is where the scam starts to become more obvious.
How Does Bitcoin Union Take My Money?
Once you have been convinced of the reality of the auto-trading robot scam and you have deposited all of your money, they will simply transfer your money (sometimes remotely using your computer) into crypto-currency (this is another reason why they like to associate with crypto, it helps you allow them to conduct their scams in front of you) and it will disappear forever.
They will continue to try and get more money, but once they have decided that they have cleaned you out, they will leave you with your trading interface and scarper.
After a week or so of trading you might decide to try a withdrawal and this is where you will start to get that sinking feeling. You will be asked for all sorts of ID and proof of who you are first. Even though non of this was required for your deposit.

Soon you will be trying to get hold of their support team who may fob you off with various nonsense for a week or two whilst they finish scamming a few other victims and need to keep the phone number and website running in order to complete those scams. Then, without another word, the website will cease to function and the phone numbers will cease to ring.
The scam is complete.
Now all that remains is to start up a new website, a new phone number and a new set of MSN fake news ads and start the whole thing all over again.
Welcome to the boiler room scam!