Watch out for this fake Forbes article scam claiming that the money magazine have launched their own crypto-currency:
From the site using an obviously domain disingenuous domain, we see the above site making exclusive claims that Forbes have launched their own crypto-currency, and that it is available within the UK.
The ridiculous report is riddled with holes and we shall name a few here for the sake of verification.
Firstly, every part of the uses the following affiliated ID to forward you to another scam page where they attempt to harvest your contact details and log you into a fake trading app:
The fake trading site in this case is something called, registered in St Vincent's and the Grenadines. Now whether this site is capable of trading CFDs for real is another question, but have no fear that their terms for trading CFDs will be highly questionable at best. They freely admit that you are far more likely to lose all your money than any other outcome, and even have a page explaining what they pay out in affiliates fees:

Their server is hidden behind a CloudFlare solution, the domain is registered through namecheap, and the city of the registrant is supposedly Reykjavik. In other words, this website has been registered by the same group as all of the other scam brokers, and they probably have ten ready to go at a moment's notice using the same trading app front-end as each other. It is just another brick in the wall.
If we have a look at the code behind we can see that a lot of the links are to sites like: and run by NIGINA TRADING LTD with registration number ICC20170419, registered to this address: C/o LOCAL CONSULTANCY DMCC, office 301, Indigo icon Tower P.O. Box 474288 United Arab Emirates run by ADDM GROUP LTD. with registration number 13600459, registered to this address: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom WC1N 3AX
Which seems odd that they are different companies and yet almost exactly the same website and domain name give or take. All three of these pages give you the impression that you are successfully depositing when you browse to them, presumably we would just need to add a few parameters to get the proper response:

Either way a standard HTML file seems like a very simplistic way of processing an online deposit.
If we look up the Nigina Trading Ltd above we see that NIGINA LONDON LTD is a Private limited company (Ltd.) company based in 117 BEVINGTON ROAD BIRMINGHAM which is
We can also verify that on the website:

As you can see they are authorised to offer CFD trading on crypto-currency only. There are some more interesting articles online though, some of which appear to have been removed. Here for example, we see that a blog has been deleted somehow:

Who is claiming that Conicash run by Nigina Trading Ltd in the UAE is run in parallel with Platinum One Ltd in Bulgaria. This whole article has been deleted though. Let's try and find it on, hmm nothing there.
Conicash does appear to be one of the less trustable cash deposit/transfer systems that a lot of these sites use so we will be keeping an eye on them in future and penning a few articles about their sites and behaviours.