We have no idea why these affiliates need so many derivations of crypto-currency and ForEx auto trader scams..
They seem to need to have Bitcoin Bank, Bitcoin Code, Bitcoin Billionaire, Bitcoin Loophole, Bitcoin Rush, Bitcoin System, Bitcoin Evolution, Bitcoin Revolution, I mean, why? What is the point? Why don't they just fight over one or all make up a different one. It is not as if the script ever changes or the idea changes drastically. Sometimes there is a new idea in town. Sometimes they use advertising or testing or pyramid schemes, but the mainstay of this scam is an auto-trading robot that trades cryptocurrency to make you rich, fast.
Well one trend that seems to be the way of things currently is that Bitcoin System is becoming more popular than Bitcoin Rush again. This is somewhat surprising as the number of searches for Bitcoin Rush far outweigh Bitcoin System so you would've thought that they would invest in the leader, but they know their game well. They know that if they head-up a breakaway movement for Bitcoin System, it will ultimately keep the bidding costs down on Google search terms.
Bitcoin System is popping up all over with new batch of recently re-developed websites using their newer background videos and newer colours. The affiliates like CoinInsider and Online Investments Guide are starting to place Bitcoin System at the top of their fake review pages even though the searches being made are for 'Bitcoin Rush' as a keyword:

Of course, every 'broker' in the above list is a scam, and OnlineInvestmentsGuide.com have nothing to do with investment of any kind. They are simply an affiliate of unregulated offshore brokers who are very often not brokers at all, just scammers.
You can see on CoinInsider that they even go so far as to specify that Bitcoin Rush is not a scam:

But they keep their options open. They recommend Bitcoin System even more:

They tell you straight away that they can safely say Bitcoin System is not a scam which is an interesting claim from a website that says at the bottom:
Coin Insider is the authority on bitcoin, ethereum, ICO and blockchain news; providing breaking newsletters, incisive opinions, market analysis, and regulatory updates.
Trading and CFDs are complex instruments. You should consider whether you fully understand them and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. The content of Coin Insider does not constitute any type of investment advice.
Now these two statements are made one after the other, and yet CFDs have nothing to do with cryptocurrency directly. It is possible to speculate upon the outcomes of crypto with MT5 meta-trader software, but then that is highly risky, as they feel it is necessary to inform you. They tell you that your bitcoin system grants you a free account manager, but rather than a broker, we think it is more likely that they will be a scammer as has been the experience of some of the people reporting fraud to us.
The latest Bitcoin System site resembles this:
But in this case we have replaced Bitcoin System with Bitcoin Sucker, which is just our joke version of their scam. This is to prevent people from signing up with a scam from our warnings.