ProfitsTrade Ltd
What is this company?
They are based in the Dominican Republic according to their site.

The payment/card service contracts appear to be with these people:
Praxis Cashier System Ltd offers a payment software to connect this site to Payment Service Providers, and values your privacy. By clicking on the button above, you consent for your personal data being stored, processed and transferred to third parties, such as payment service providers, banks, card schemes and other entities necessary to handle your payment. In order to understand your privacy rights and how your personal data may be processed, please click somewhere to read our Privacy Notice.
But they only appear to understand Australian or Canadian addresses in their sign-up forms:

They do appear to have a UK call centre/office judging by their use of English but the website and company registration are so flaky that they are obviously scammers. They may be one of the brokers that rename themselves and their domain name every few months after they have a few hundred successful scams and want to start afresh with new victims.