Your customer sent you files via WeTransfer - Spam Warning !!

Your customer sent you files via WeTransfer - Spam Warning !!   This is a spam email that has b

Your customer sent you files via WeTransfer - Spam Warning !!


This is a spam email that has been seen this week:




[email protected]
sent you some documents PDF

2 item, 768 KB in total Will be deleted on 30 October, 2019

Our company profile as requested and Purchase Order.pdf

Get your files


Download link

2 items

Company profile.pdf
Purchase Order.pdf

700 KB


To make sure our emails arrive, please add [email protected]  to  your contacts.


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Rather confusingly, it is pretending to be WeTransfer, but is using DropBox.

The actual 'get your files' link points to which downloads a cabinet file:


We have reported this link to Dropbox who will hopefully remove it ASAP.

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