ACTION REQUIRED: Your acct [email protected] might be at risk - Spam Warning !!

ACTION REQUIRED: Your acct [email protected] might be at risk - Spam Warning !!    

ACTION REQUIRED: Your acct [email protected] might be at risk - Spam Warning !!


This email has been doing the rounds lately:





Your Account has been exposed to Malware threats


Hi [email protected],

Due to recent activities we noticed your account has been under attack, which  leads to an unknown compromise of  your messages and files.

Hence, to keep your email diagnosed and secure;

Initiate scan now and delete threats

NOTE: If the above actions are not performed, you might lose access to your account after 24 hours of your reception of this mail

Security Maintenance Team


 The 'initiate scan and delete threats' link points to:[email protected] which is already marked as deceptive in Chrome. We have reported it to Microsoft.

It is another Office 365 impersonating site phishing for passwords.

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