This is efax Notification | This is an automatic efax Notice - More eFax Spam!
More eFax spam this week with the arrival of two eFax spam emails in one morning!
Number one:
From: eFax <[email protected]>
Sent: 13 February 2019 18:26
To: Recipient
Subject: This is efax Notification
Fax Message Caller-ID: 4753 866 7364, You have got a 4 page(s) fax at 02-13-2018 07:24:34 GMT. *Your personal reference # for this fax is jj7_pun28-85333952782372-4749642-11. Visit if you have any questions regarding this message or service.
eFax Crew
 2008-2018 j2 Global, Inc. All rights reserved. eFax is a trademark of j2 Global, Inc. and affiliates. 84505 Hollywood Ave, Los Angeles, CA 98638 *** This is an automatically generated message, please do not reply directly to this email address *** Privacy Policy.

And number two:
From: eFax, Inc. <[email protected]>
Sent: 13 February 2019 16:34
To: Recipient
Subject: This is an automatic efax Notice
Fax Message Caller-ID: 7136 684 3765, You've got a 3 page(s) fax at 02-13-2018 09:35:56 GMT. *Your reference # for this fax is es4_stj04-34697862942473-3839984-95. Visit if you have any questions relating to this subject matter.
eFax Crew
 2007-2018 j2 Global, Inc. All rights reserved. eFax is a registered trademark of j2 Global, Inc. 62325 Hollywood Rd, Los Angeles, CA 97447 *** This is an automatic message, do not reply directly to this email address *** Privacy Policy.

This 'Download Fax' link takes you through to: which is connected to another email logging site but shows a blank page if you arrive without a coded email string to be logged.
Please mark both of these websites as spam with Google and Microsoft and report teh email addresses as spam sources.