💸 Incoming BitCoin Transfer - You received 0.881110 BTC!
The following email has been reported as currently active:
You just received 0.881110 BitCoin incoming transfer from Info.
Sender: [email protected]
Receiver: recipient email
Amount: 0.881110 BTC
Deadline: 23-05-2018 13:19:28
Transfer has been made from account holder:
Accept the transfer now:
Only 7 days remaining to accept your BitCoin transfer! If you do not accept this transfer, the money will be returned to sender.
To claim your BitCoin please visit the link below:
Best regards,
Roxana Rigby
Bitcoin Account Manager
The link forwards you to:
Whenever there is a supposed quick way to increase capital, con-people quickly associate themselves with the name in the hope of riding the excitement in order to rip people off. Any crypto currency such as Bitcoin is a huge risk to invest in and should be treated with EXTREME caution. This website is not an investment site, but an attempt at taking money based on the reputation of Bitcoin - do not enter your name, report this site as fraudulent using your browser, and mark this email as spam and/or phishing.

The intent of this email is fraudulent, and so it is safe to assume that the website is fraudulent also. Any testimonials are contrived and should not be believed.
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