So now we are looking at eBay scams that are interested in hacking your eBay account so that they can get details or account information.
Here is a typical email - the first thing to do is notice that there is a big button with 'dispute this transaction' which is not normally present. Also notice that the email is originating from which is unusual for an eBay email:

Also notice that that if we hover over the 'Dispute this transaction' button we see the following:

So the domain name, although having the part in, is actually pointing to which is Twitters forwarding domain (Ooops, that's a bit embarrassing) which then forwards you to
This page shows up as PayPal:

You can still see the phantom domain at the top though. This is obviously where they are interested in grabbing your PayPal details so do not.
Report this website address as false as soon as you can.
Forward the email to your ISPs spam service email support.
It should be noted that and are both being hijacked for this so beware as it will more than likely pass your anti spam filters!