Microsoft Office Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Select text--- Press Shift+ Arrow Key to highlight text. To select one word at a time, press Shift+C

Microsoft Office Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Select text--- Press Shift+ Arrow Key to highlight text.

To select one word at a time, press Shift+Ctrl+Arrow.

To select to the end of the line, press Shift+End.

Copy selected text--- Press Ctrl+C.

Cut selected text--- Press Ctrl+X.

Paste copined text--- Press Ctrl+V.

Bold text--- Press Ctrl+B.

Search for text in a document--- Press Ctrl+F.

Find and replace text in a document--- Press Ctrl+H.

Got to a page, line, or bookmark in a document--- Press Ctrl+G.

Italicise text--- Press Ctrl+I.

Underline text--- Press Ctrl+U.

Subscript text--- Press Ctrl+equal sign (=).

Superscript text--- Press Ctrl+plus sign (+).

Centre text--- Press Ctrl+E.

Align text left--- Press Ctrl+L.

Align text right--- Press Ctrl+R.

Justify text--- Press Ctrl+J.

Decrease the font size--- Press Ctrl+Shift+less than sign (<). If your mouse has a scroll wheel,
you can also press Ctrl and scroll down.

Increase the font size--- Press Ctrl+Shift+greater than sign (>). If your mouse has a scroll
wheel, you can also press Ctrl and scroll up.

Change the font--- Press CTRL+SHIFT+F, and then use the arrow keys to reach the new

Change font size--- Press Ctrl+Shift+P, and then use the arrow keys to reach the new font
size. If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also press Ctrl and
scroll up or down.

Create a page break--- Press Ctrl+Enter.

Create a new document--- Press Ctrl+N.

Open the My Documents window--- Press Ctrl+O.

Close a document--- Press Ctrl+W.

Save a document--- Press Ctrl+S.

Print a document--- Press CTRL+P.

Preview what you're about to print--- Press ALT+Ctrl+I. In Windows 7, this keyboard shortcut opens the integrated Print and Preview window, which you can also access by pressing Ctrl+P.

Resize a shape (Office 2010)--- Select the shape, and then press Shift+Arrow.

Rotate a shape (Office 2010)--- Select the shape, and then hold the Alt key while you press the Left Arrow key or the Right Arrow key.

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