Immediate Olux +600
What is Immediate +600 Olux?
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Immediate +600 Olux is part of what is known as a boiler room scam and it works in several phases.
First of all the boiler room scammers invent a product and publish it with an affiliate marketing company. This means that they make an offer that if you are an affiliate marketer you can choose to take a chance on. They will give you a certain amount of product branding and design and then you, as an affiliate marketer would set-up a website with an affiliate link provided by the scammers so that they know who to pay for each valued prospect. The scammers then pay the affiliate the arranged fee each time they are provided with a prospect that willingly deposits all of their money and so the website that the victim blames is just an affiliate marketer and has no real knowledge of who the actual scammers are. This gives the scammers a layer of protection and anonymity that no other type of marketing can provide. The advertiser is not the actual product, they are just advertising in the hope of a fee from the seller and they never have any real contact with the seller even when they receive their money as that is done through the affiliate marketing company which is the middle man between them. That is the first thing to realise. Affiliate marketing makes this whole problem much more complicated.
Why Do Affiliate Marketers Help Scammers?
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There can be many reasons for this, including:
- Pure greed
- Misunderstanding the implications of what they do
- Believing people who are scammed to be stupid
- Desperation of situation
- Not realizing who they are dealing with
- Naivety
- Zero responsibility
In the most part, they are just doing a job like any other and do not consider it to cause anyone a problem just like the rest of us. We all get on with our jobs without thinking about the people we may be affecting in negative ways. They answer the request on a website and may very well believe themselves to be helping people rather than causing anyone trouble or strife.
What Does the Affiliate Marketer Sell?
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Essentially they sell your contact details, simply name, email and mobile phone number. Once the affiliate marketing company received this data they dispatch it to the scammers and the scammers then get an agency to phone you up from a call-center to get you to deposit your fist $250 and once this is complete you will be contacted by a professional scammer who is used to impersonating CFD brokers. These scammers are very dangerous and very used to defrauding people for thousands and thousands of dollars on a daily basis. They operate under certain rules laid down by their owner/operators and one of these rules is to make sure you are not a US citizen before they defraud you, so always tell them you have a US citizenship if you want them to go away.
What does the Scammer Do with my Details?
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Well the scammer is part of a huge ring of scammers and they will all buy your details for a certain amount of money and then, depending on the position of the Sun relative to the Earth you will get a phone call from whomever is awake in whichever country at that time. Some of the scammer call centers are in the US even though they do not typically try and scam US citizens, they will however try and scam non US citizens living in the US. They will also call people in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa as they will receive a copy of all of the English speaking prospects. Some scammers just sell the information on to bigger scammer rigs that will allow them to make a small mark-up for each prospect. They have no risk after all, they are buying the prospect for less than they sell it, the affiliate carries all of the risk as a thousand people might click on the Facebook ad and no prospects come through. This is usually offset by the fact that the affiliates will have a temporary account with a card and limited funds with which to start the advertising campaign and they will use one of these fake accounts to start a campaign enough times until they can amass the funds to survive a month advertising on social media, whereupon they are in business. Once the details arrive at the call center your phone will begin to ring and if you are not guarded with your finances and prepared to hear a tall tale then you could very easily be defrauded.