There are no surprises here - Chat GPT has been in the news and on YouTube as the hot topic for months, and Google has been forced to respond by releasing its own AI search engine update. GPT has been heralded as an amazing new breakthrough with Microsoft funding OpenAI to produce the search content evaluation system for it's Bing search engine system and the drop in Google share price up until the new update is evidence that the market had swung in Microsoft's favour, at least in the short term.
All of this means that there has been a lot of noise in the news about something that most people do not even understand the implications of, never mind the design and function of. What does that remind us of? I know, Bitcoin. Something that hardly anyone understands but is in the News and is all about big money in the US and long words. It must be time to make up another auto-trading robot scam, and this is what we find...
If we have a look at the search results on Google, we can see that this scam doesn't actually have a searchable website yet, the domain is for sale for $100,000 USD so the scammers won't be buying that.
What BitGPT does have though, is a lot of fake reviews already, particularly on the Finixio fake review sites, which may indicate that they are the perpetrators of many of the landing page sites concerning fake news for this scam, but it is difficult to be certain.
It is clear that they have been using Martin Lewis as a fake news article subjet to try and defraud people in the UK and that the site was acknowledged quickly by, a site which impersonates about four different British and American news information services all at the same time. The site uses a logo very similar to the Daily Telegraph in Britain and the New York Times in the US which is no surprise. Impersonating reliable sources is a core component to the operations of these scams and the site is one of the latest additions to the fake review scammer circus.
If we look at their site, it would appear that the fake news is actually originating at this page with numerous links to: where the BitGPT 360 scam is being touted. The Finixio site is entitled 'Martin Lewis Bit GPT 360 Review - Scam Or Really Work?' which as you can see doesn't acxtually make any sense in English anyway.
The images on the site are from which suggests, if not proves that Finixio are running as a site which is an obvious scam.
The same site even uses the 'uh-oh, we're running out of spots for new testers' nonsense at the bottom of their article proving beyond all doubt that their intention is to delude and defraud.
It does appear that every time you try and register on the TIME BUSINESS NEWS site, you are automatically blocked by IP from accessing the site.
The website itself, once all of the adverts have been removed, is almost unbelievable in terms of content. It is just a copy of the usual fake news articles, using Martin Lewis as the target to try and maximize the damage done to the innocent British public, with all of the text just copied into their supposed review site:
It really is surprising that a site claiming to offer information (not advice though, as we are constantly reminded) will print something like the above and not have their site taken down the same day.
Their contact details are spartan, even online, but that is often the case with scammers. All we could really find was the following:
TIME BUSINESS NEWS - Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship News and much more
304 S Jones Blvd 2747, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89107, United States
11-50 Employees
TIME BUSINESS NEWS — Guest posting service and guest post link insertion service available
Headquarters Regions Western US
Founded Date 2015
Operating Status Active
Also Known As Guest Post Service
Company Type For Profit
Contact Email [email protected]
Phone Numbers 002127273737 | (631) 359-9035
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The site, according to is run (or at least the guest posting on that site is offered by) Ankit Bansal but perhaps he just has the wordpress login code and that is why they now just block anyone trying to register.