Here is Jimmy Kelly, expert crypto-trader and journalist for (isn't that a bit of an odd name for a crypto-advice website?) Jimmy writes many of the reviews on

So is there a problem? Well yes, ther eis, you see Jimmy Kelly seems to use a few different names on his reviews. Firstly let's have a look at his work on

Here is Jimmy again, but now he is called Peter Knight and he is reviewing something that no one ever need review - fake news about Gordon Ramsey and crypto-currency.
So this photo is being used to write fake trading reviews, that is without doubt. The fact that they use the same photo is more than a coincidence. Something else links these two sites. They all employ the same tactics, but is it just that they are affiliates of the same scammers that give them all the same kit, or are they actually run bt=y the same people? It is difficult to say as either case is just as likely. It does seem odd that they scammers would provide photos of the reviewers though, but perhaps they just like to make it as easy as possible to get started and provide everything. Neither would surprise us.