As ever there are countless new Bitcoin Rush sites emerging every day. The latest version is of exactly the same structure as most of the boiler room scam websites, so let's go through all of the elements.
Feature One: The countdown.
No scam website is complete without the countdown until the current deal expires. This is a very common tactic used by con-artists the world over, and it is essentially a way of using doubt and uncertainty to force you to act, rather than to hesitate.
If you are uncertain about something and have all the time in the world to act, then you will shirk away from the commitment and pass by the opportunity, be it good or bad.
If, however you only have a limited time to decide, then you will more likely than not jump onboard an opportunity simply because your desire to imagine the worst has been upturned, and you are now imagining missing out rather than being stuck in an opportunity, and this is the first thing we see on the Bitcoin Rush site at
So if you're thinking about signing up, let us know so that we can delay the timer so that you don't have to rush your decision. THAT WAS A JOKE!!!
Feature Two: The Title
The Bitcoin Rush site now has an improved title so as to sound as up-to-date as possible to both readers and search engines. The title is now: "Bitcoin Rush ™ - The Official App WebSite 2022 [UPDATED]" and so it is an updated version of the 2022 site, even though it is actually not related to any of the other Bitcoin Rush sites, it is really in competition with them.
This title (which is very similar across all of the Bitcoin Rush sites) is a tactic that appears to work as everyone uses it. It is the idea that there is a newer version of something that you have to explain to people so that they overlook other sites with similar titles and go straight to yours as it is the newest, or at least it promises to be.
We have to confess if there is a new version of something it does attract our interest and so this is probably a good tactic when you are dealing with a product like Bitcoin Rush which has so many websites all claiming to be the real thing. Why look at Windows 11 when you can look at Windows 12 or OSXI?
Feature Three: The Video
This is not so common with every site as it takes time and effort to make a video, whereas just lying through your teeth with HTML is relatively quick and easy. The video on this variant of Bitcoin Rush is the same as on most of these sites - the Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin video:
It is simply a collection of snippets from US news programmes where people mention the Bitcoin with very little connection between each segment. In short it is designed to confuse and bewilder but also to crate a sensation of excitement to persuade the watcher to jump onboard. In short it is another pert of the con.
Feature Four: The Sign-up Box
This is never missed on any of the boiler room scam websites as it is how they entrap you and your contact details. With any con-artist's scam, just like with any sales situation, the most important thing in persuading anyone of anything is exposure to your prospect. The sign-up box is usually next to the video at the top of the page:

It is here in the hope that the video or countdown will instil people with enough enthusiasm or doubt, that they will sign-up for the registration straight away. The sign-up form asks for your phone number, and once they have this, persuading you to invest your money is just a few lies away.
As you browse further down the page you can see that every section has a 'sign-up now!' link to take you back to that registration form in case any section persuades you to sign up. This is simply how they work, they keep talking and typing until you finally cave in and sign up with their scam.
On the phone they are exactly the same. They just keep calling and spinning their nonsense until you finally make a deposit, and then they know that they can keep talking and talking until you make another.
Feature Five: The Advantages
This is another attempt to get you back to the sign-up box and enter your details. They list a set of implausible capabilities of this supposed crypto-trading robot in order to make you believe that this technology actually exists and that you can always make a risk free profit from it.

It is a ground-breaking technology (obviously) using every type of Quantum AI based news spying technology that can then analyse the crypto-currency markets using trading signals and then make you a profit while you sleep. It is automated so you do not have to do anything or know anything and it is safe and reliable because of some sort of encryption, even though they have just persuaded you to send lots of money overseas using untraceable technology. It is just another part of the same con.
Feature Six: Revolutionary Software
This is repeated over and over (as repeated things often are) that there is some sort of software compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux as well as versions for mobile devices, even though they just show an image of a laptop displaying the website we can already see:

They offer no download link or Google or Apple store link, they just go on to say that the software is used by beginners and experienced traders and that you have nothing to worry about as the software is always right. In other words they are trying to sell you the idea of one thing and one thing only - free money!
Now the problem with free money is that it is worthless. If money is free under any circumstances (without having a lot already) then all money is worthless as anyone can get it without earning it and so it has no value.
The very idea of free money means that the Bitcoin Rush website is a scam, no question. Perhaps that is why they ask if it is a scam just underneath. There are no testimonials as is claimed. There are a lot of fake review sites online, claiming that they have tested the software, but they are all scam affiliates vying for a piece of the scammer pie. Bitcoin Rush is not a software, it is a boiler room scam, so stay away!
Feature Seven: Three Steps..
This is nearly always present, the three steps to riches nonsense. They give you the three steps you need to take to make it seem so simple, as a final reminder to go back and sign away your savings before it is too late.
- Step one Registration
- Step two Deposit
- Step three Start Trading
And then the magic crypto-trading robot will make you rich.
Sign-up for a free account now!
They tell you that once you reach the final step the robot will analyse markets and news and prices and trade automatically for you, once again giving you, yes, you guessed it. Free money!
Do not forget that free money = scam!
Feature Eight: FAQs
The last step is the FAQs. They are simply addressing any questions a n astute friend may be raising, any objections that they may make. Questions like 'How much money can I make?' to which the answer is invariably 'Unlimited!' as that is the least specific answer that can be given.
'How much does it cost?' Is another question they usually have, and they can answer 'It's free!' Yes, more free money.
As is always the way there is no address, phone number, company registration number or details of nation or location. There is often a warning at the bottom of the page warning you that you can lose all of your money and that most people do, but here they have not bothered.
Stay away from easy money - it is always a sign of criminality!