Watch out for this identity theft scam to get your details online. You receive an email or see a post saying something like this:
If you are based in the United States of America, Meiwa Corporation Co, Ltd urgently needs you to serve as her Spokesperson/Financial Coordinator for its clients in the United States. It’s a part-time job with a good pay and will only take a few minutes of your time daily, and it will not bring any conflict of interest in case you are working with another company. If interested, contact email: [email protected]
Best Regards
Zuki Chang
Meiwa Corporation co.Ltd.
3-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8311, Japan
And then you send an email to the info@ address. In response you get another email with two PDF attachments:
Attn Simon Cooper,
This is a corresponding Email regards the Account representative position. Review below the full information about the proposal.
Meiwa Corporation was established in July 1947 and is one of Japan’s No.1 International import and export of chemicals, plastics, construction materials, lumber, fuel, machinery, metal products, and other goods. Meiwa Corporation co. Ltd has worked on over 3000 multi-disciplinary infrastructure projects in 135 countries all over the world. Meiwa Corporation co. Ltd is the oldest independent consulting firm in Japan. We have been providing consulting services for economic development projects since 1946. We have a sound financial base with a total paid-in capital of over $90 million.Meiwa Corporation co.Ltd is listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
With our vast distribution network, Meiwa Corporation is currently breaking 100 Percent into the North American Market. Due to the challenges in processing payments here in Japan from our customers in USA/CANADA, we are soliciting reliable companies and individuals to partner with us and help us receive and process payments from our USA/CANADA customer base and directly support sales operations.
kindly fill out our Company Representative Data form below, You are to fill it accurately, Upon verification of your details, an MOU with a detailed description of your Role as an Agent will be issue to you, only if the board of Directors accept your file. Please confirm the receipt of this email and return the filled form accordingly so we can proceed.
Best Regards
Zuki Chang
Meiwa Corporation co.Ltd.
3-1, Marunouchi
3-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-8311, Japan
Copyright(C)2022, Meiwa Corporation Ltd, All Rights Reserved
Then the attachment reads:
3-1, Marunouchi 3-chome,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 10-8311, Japan. Email: [email protected]
Allowance: $60,000 per annum + 5%
Commission Job type: Contract
Duration: 12 Months
Time Requirement: 3-5 Hours per Week Sector: SALES
Job Role: Account Receivable
you for your interest in learning more about this position Meiwa Corporation co.Ltd. is one of the largest company into import and export of chemicals, plastics, construction materials, lumber, fuel, machinery, metal products, and other goods.
We require a representative to act in the capacity of an account receivable agent in the United state of America on a 12 month contract basis. As an Account Receivable agent, you will be responsible for collection of all account receivables due to Meiwa
Corporation co.Ltd. in the region to directly support sales operations.
We are presently experiencing difficulties in transacting business (i.e. processing payments from our customers) in North America. This challenge has not only limited our effort in penetrating the market in the above region as desired, but has also lead to unprompted remittance of balance payments for Medical Equipment supplied. As a result of this problem, we have customers in above region that has not met with the normal payment schedule of 30 days after confirming receipt of products delivered to them in good condition. We have approximately $3,200,000.00 worth of payment with different customers from different regions in the United State of America and Canada currently owed Meiwa Corporationco. Ltd.
Having looked
at various options of tackling this drawback and based on research and past experience, it is our believe that having a representative/account receivable agent in the same region with our customers, it becomes very easy for them to comply and pay in due time, that is why we require a Representative who can easily communicate with our customer via email and telephone.
With your acknowledgement to this email, our enrollment correspondence will be sent to you, which you are to confirm your full contact information in the right manner. We confirm in good faith that as compensation for your service, you/your company will be entitled to 5% commission on every completed transaction (i.e. 5% commission from any payment made to you/your company on behalf of Meiwa Corporation co.Ltd. ) plus $5,000 USD monthly allowance (payable every 28 days starting from the date the contract agreement is signed . to cover out-of-pocket expenses such as telephone bill, fax, etc. To know more about our products, kindly view the company website on
We wait to hear from you.
Kindest Regards,
Zuki Chang
HR Manager
They then ask you to fill in the following form, which is presumably what this is about - ID theft: