Yes it is true, Quantum AI is still being touted on Google ads even though it is so obviously complete nonsense, that surely no one would ever believe it!
We can see the ads here:

With the ads all pointing to various destinations, contrary to the supposed Google Ads policies.
The first ad is to allegedly, but the actual destinations are and
The link is via: which we were able to access via the choicelaptops links above. We have informed the choicelaptops company and so hope that they are not directly involved with this scam.
The next ad: Is described as Quantum Ai™️ - 2021 - 【Official Site】- License and is supposedly pointing at which is another Russian site. This does seem to be the norm with many of these adverts, that they are based upon Russian language forwarding links from poorly maintained Wordpress sites. This site is supposedly related to interior design, but the URL does not really sound right for such a site:

The link that the ad passes us to here, is and if we have a look at we can see that the site is simply blank and contains nothing other than suspicious redirects to boiler room scams.
The next ad is another very similar ad, and seems to have been devised by the same people as the proceeding two. The URL is and the destination ad is at once more. The fact that they are all taking us to the same URL in the long run indicates that all of these ads are being created by the same group and that Google are not really trying to stop this issue.
You can see all of the ads running below, even though they have all been reported to Google as boiler room scams:
This destination site is still the same structure and design as we have reported previously; here you can see it below:
The video too, is still the same:
And it is quite amazing that Elon Musk has not been alerted to this scam when he is such a prolific tweeter.
Our main concern is that this scam is of a far more sinister nature given that it has been allowed to continue for so long. If the Press still had any integrity or power, this would never be allowed to continue and Musk and Google would jump through any hoop to avoid the slightest association with these scammers. It is gradually becoming clear that these elite companies have some vested interest in these ads proliferating across the web for the foreseeable future.