Steam Scam

In response to a reply made to an email asking for help, we received: From: [email protected]

In response to a reply made to an email asking for help, we received:

From: [email protected]


Can I ask you for a quick favour please.



Seems reasonable - they can even spell favour, but in response to our 'What did  you need?' style email we received:

Thanks for your quick response, It's my Niece’s birthday and I need to get her a (Steam Wallet Voucher) for her as a birthday gift, but I am having problems purchasing online and I'm traveling right now. Can you help me get it at any supermarket, Sainsbury, Tesco  & stores close to you? I promise to pay it as soon as I get back. Kindly let me know if you can handle this on my behalf ? So, I can let you know what to do with the gift voucher once you have them. Am only looking to spend £200, I promise to pay back as soon as I get back. Please let me know if you can handle this.
Kind regards,

Hmm, what a cheap shot!

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