China Crypto - Yuan Pay Me Now?

The latest in a succession of the 'China Official Cryptocurrency' fake news articles is here, this t

The latest in a succession of the 'China Official Cryptocurrency' fake news articles is here, this time with Boris Johnson as the flagship promoter on the front page.

The coin is a fairly interesting idea, they claim that it will be the new currency of China and that Brits will be amongst the first to be able to buy it even though we have just announced a new programme with Australia and the US to keep pissing China off into the next phase of civilization.

Of course they have comments from dignitaries in Singapore and the mandatory Elon Musk quote, but aside from that there is very little information here, just the persuasion to click the link to be taken through to their 'YuanPay Now' exchange.

We can see in the above snippet that this is the second time that we have seen such a fake news article and that the summer version above has been continued all the way into Autumn.

The link, although now broken, is likely to take you through to the same exchange all of the Google Ads concerning this fake news do:

As you can see the same screen is being used as the exchange site for the YuanPay Group scam and has been continued all the way through summer as adverts by Google and Facebook etc.

Let's have a look at their SERP on the subject:

As you can see Google Ads is replete with advertising revenue being garnered from boiler room and stock and share scams. None of the domain names make any rational sense in connection with the products, they are typically badly administered WordPress sites that have been hacked and are then used as bouncing servers to send unsuspecting victims to the boiler room scammers. Let's have a look at what happens:

So we just appear to be taken through to some trading course peddler of no consequence, proving that there is no connection with any Chinese Crypto coin roll-out.

The company at: does not appear to sell YuanPay Group coins nor have any affiliation with them whatsoever. This site should not be allowed on Google Ads.

Let's try another result:

That seems to be exactly the same result as above. There are obviously a few affiliates after the same affiliate fees.

We can safely say that there are scammers using the idea of this YuanPay Group coin as a means of exploiting people for boiler room scams and second-rate trader/broker courses.

Once again the video associated with the product is packed with lies about other cryptocurrencies and is not representative of what these coins even mean.

Even the 'official' Yuan Pay site is a boiler room scam and is hidden behind cloudflare for obvious reasons. That site is actually operating a number confirmation to be sure it has a working number before it pays out the affiliate fee.


Do not buy any coins or fill in your details!



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