Bitcoin Cash Grab!!!

What is it?
Well, let's have a look at the website:
'BITCOIN CASH GRAB - Leverage The Volatile Cryptocurrency Market With The Best Software - Earn Consistent Profits Starting Today'
OK so this is the same old offering, a magic software that trades on an impossibly volatile market without any access to new or market info, but always wins no matter what and is risk free.
OK, so let's have a look at this video:
Well this is just the same video that we see on all of these videos, and they are always scams! This is a big red flag!
Then moving on down the page, we can see that one of the other benefits is: 'other forward-thinking features like Time Leap' and we can assure you that when a salesman starts telling you that his technology uses time-travel, it is time to find a new showroom. This is a massive red flag! 'Bitcoin Cash Grab stays ahead of the retail market by seconds' is not a reasonable claim.
Then they tell us: 'Bitcoin Cash Grab comes with top-notch algorithms that implement leading trading strategies, thus, allowing it to leverage the most lucrative trading signals in the market. The software tracks the data of over 22 technical, fundamental, and sentimental indicators. Our software also utilizes AI to interpret the incoming data and the latest news from the market that could affect crypto prices. With this, even new traders can make real profits!' Now if this was actually true, then they would be able to bring every trading market to its' knees across the planet, in which case they would be very unlikely to tell anyone in advance, never mind start selling it! Red flag number three!
We also see that this is indeed an amazing achievement in terms of trading by computer as the algorithm manages an incredible record of 'it records a trading success of 99.4%' which is obviously impossible as the markets could do anything, how could the robot ever predict that?
Then there are a few fake testimonials, which have stock photo people attached. This is something we see on scammer sites time and time again.
Now we come to something different, text to persuade you that the Bitcoin Cash Grab is a system that works with brokers rather than just a portal that does everything for you. This is interesting because it gives away what this website actually is. What it is is a recruitment campaign for offshore, unregulated CFD brokers looking for easy meat. These offshore traders have no obligation to abide by any national law or guideline as they are basically untraceable. They tend to be registered in somewhere in the Caribbean and actually have offices in Europe and Australia. Once they have your details they will try their hardest to get you to invest as much money as you can so that they can take it off of you and then point out that their terms and conditions covers them.
So this is why they are mentally preparing you for when you are connected to a broker by this page, hey want you to believe that you are still going to win no matter what you do because you are using their technology.
Once you have been connected to these brokers and they have registered you on their Meta-Trader systems, you can trade in CFDs on various markets.
If we fill the form in as a demonstration, we are taken immediately to this site: is Swise even a word?

Without any permission being given, they have signed us up, with the information we gave to them, with an offshore, unregulated broker.
Let's find out who they are: