Missing information and delivery fee, Name - Update your information Scam!!!
Watch out for this email doing the rounds this week:
From: USPS Inbox <[email protected]>
Sent: 01 July 2021 16:46
To: John Doe
Subject: Missing information and delivery fee, John Doe - Update your informations

The email is enclosed below:
The link takes you to: https://snakelingstraccck.page.link/RtQw which is a forwarding link to: https://trakdelvmedia.com/usps/eng/?dom=[string] where you are shown:

Clicking confirm takes you to:

And on to:


Where we get the usual:

With this fain, small, light coloured legally binding terms:
All new customers participate in the draw for the shown campaign. If you are one of the lucky winners (every 1000), you will be contacted directly by email. This special offer comes with a £50.00 welcome gift card and a 5-day trial to an affiliated subscription service, after which the subscription fee (£18.00 every 14 days) will be automatically deducted from your credit card. If for any reason, you are not satisfied with the service, you may cancel your account within 5 days. This service will be renewed every 14 days until cancelled. This campaign will expire on December 31 2021.
So you are entering a free prize draw, not receiving a phone at all. You are also agreeing to pay £18.00 every 14 days as some sort of subscription but for what? When we asked they said it was for 'access to the website' which seems odd as we are already there.
Obviously they will charge you a subscription until you notice, using the the pretence that the card details is for verification purposes. Then they will explain that it was all at the top of the website all along and what are you so angry about?
They need to be introduced to all of their customers for a lengthy discussion obviously.