Brexit Millionaire Scam Latest Site

Brexit Millionaire Scam Latest Site

Brexit Millionaire Scam Latest Site: 

The scope of this scam is still completely unclear. Presumably, no one outside of the UK would sign up for Brexit Millionaire, and yet they do not bother removing this text from the bottom of the site:

USA REGULATION NOTICE: Trading Forex, CFDs and Cryptocurrencies is not regulated within the United States. Invest in Crypto is not supervised or regulated by any financial agencies nor US agencies. Any unregulated trading activity by U.S. residents is considered unlawful. This Website does not accept customers located within the United States or holding an American citizenship. This Website is not responsible for actions of customers located within the United States or holding an American citizenship. Customers located within the United States or holding an American citizenship bear sole responsibility for their actions and decisions when using products and services of this Website. In any and all circumstances the choice to use the Website, the Service and/or the Software is under full responsibility of User, who should comply with the current legislation.

You would have thought that removing this text would be a safe move and that it might help hide the fact that this is not an automated trading AI, but another crap advert for unregulated, offshore CFD broker scammers.

Now I know that the website claims that it is an advert at the very top, and that it is DMCA protected, which seems odd for a cruddy scam, but they then state: 

This is not like MLM, Crypto Trading or anything else out there. Our software profits with a 97% accuracy based on proven strategies used by big banks.

How can this be deemed legal anywhere or by anyone? It doesn't matter what small print you start out with at the top, a complete fiasco of lies cannot suddenly become acceptable when describing financial products.

They use registered trademarks of international companies that they have no affiliation with:

So how does this continue? Who is behind making sure that these sites can survive when they are obviously completely insane? Is there a larger game being played here?



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