The Guaranteed Money System:

See it here:
This is definitely a new type of approach for investment firms.
Instead of a very serious man looking well kempt and shaven, they have changed tact to just have a half-naked woman in a swimming pool with an uncomfortably small bikini top.
The pitch appears to be fairly unremarkable though, a system that guarantees you a fortune even if you have no idea about trading or perhaps have never traded anything in your life.
Let's have a look at their pitch:
The site has a countdown to get signed up - this is usually indicative of a scam as they want you to act without thinking, this is our first big red flag.
So the idea is the same as many scams - give us a small deposit and we will make you rich. They are actually guaranteeing to make you a millionaire in 30 days, which is quite remarkable considering we've never heard of this system. This is a big red flag!
As the video progresses, it does seem that these people are actually actors rather than financial professionals. They seem to have picked the woman entirely for her willingness to wear a swimsuit in the video. The idea that the central character has a butler and is a founding member of the scheme does seem rather cliché, we are definitely suspicious of this production so far.
OK we have just entered a realm of lunacy - this woman just promised the viewer that if we do not make the $5000 USD in the first hour and $1.3M USD in 30 days, she will personally wire us $500k even if we simply traded badly and lost the money of our own accord. This is not just stupid, it is a huge red flag and a sure sign of a SCAM!
There is even a fake contract on the site:

You are hereby 100% GUARANTEED to make a MINIMUM of $5,000 in the next 24 hours, and at least $1.3 million dollars in the next 30 days.
G GOLDBERG :382 NE 191st St, Miami, FL 33179
7 Benjamin Cohen, Levi Krouss, Esq., Senior Partner
Dear Sir/Madam:
By the terms of this agreement, Angela Stevens, the creator of the Guaranteed Money System, is legally bound to GUARANTEE that this done-for-you system will make you at least $5,000 in pure profit in the next 24 hours, and at least $1.3 million dollars in profit in the next 30 days.
FOR ANY REASON the Guaranteed Money System fails to make you $5,000 in the next 24 hours and $1.3 million in the next 30 days:
Then Angela Stevens (scones of the Guaranteed Money System) is legally ordered to pay you the sum of 5500,000 USD in CASH via WIRE TRANSFER.
Goldberg Cohen and associates are a marketing firm in Tel Aviv, Israel, but whether this is an attempt to associate their wealth with Israel, we do not know.
382 NE 191st St, Miami, FL 33179, interestingly is the address of a Crypto-currency qualified lawyer in Florida.

Another big concern with this website, which is obviously targeting the US and Canada, is that it is soliciting CFDs as we can see from the text at the bottom:
HIGH RISK INVESTMENT WARNING: Trading Forex, CFDs and Cryptocurrencies is highly speculative, carries a level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
Which is an obvious infraction of US and Canadian law and a case for the FBI.
Where are they?
Have we been completely abandoned now, in preparation for a new financial system, does any public have any rights against internet fraud?
The Guaranteed Money System is a SCAM !!!
Here are some of their absurd fake testimonials..