Bitcoin System/Prime Advertised by Elon Musk & Tesla on Facebook in Fake News Mirror Newspaper

Here is their site after following the Elon Musk link of FaceBook above, which we have seen : and
Apparently posted by this FB user: Ads from Around The World
As you can see they have managed to rip off Amazon and Tesla at the same time on this absurd disingenuous advert. There are so many lies here it may be quicker just to mention what's true.
They are actually pretending that Bitcoin Profit is a product of Tesla, designed to help people manage in the COVID lockdown. This is a bit of an odd claim, I mean, if your sister fractures her collar bone, you don't tend to call Volkswagen. They claim that Elon Musk wanted to keep the product secret until it was ready but now BitcoinProfit is here to make you all better!
What a load of codswallop.
They go on to say: The idea was simple: allow the average person the opportunity to cash in on the digital currency boom. Even if they have absolutely no investing or technology experience.
This really is pretty detestable. They are luring people with no money and no experience in to lose $250 dollars on a scam with offshore, unregulated scammer brokers. How do we know this? Because they do it all the time!
BitcoinProfit and their partners have been defrauding people for years using various techniques, they started with fake trading platforms but now get affiliate fees from scammer brokers (they may even be the same company) by luring novice traders into terrible deals with CFD brokers overseas.
They still use the same lies:
BitcoinProfit is a new cryptocurrency trading platform, that according to Tesla, can transform anyone into a millionaire within 3-4 months!
Which is obvious nonsense as everybody would be a millionaire and it would cost $8000 per hour to employ a limo driver.
Now this is presumably to tie in with Musk recently allowing Bitcoins to be currency for their cars but the connection to crypto with Tesla definitely ends there, especially after the price drop recently.
They are still after a £250 deposit which you will never see again and are obviously keen to extract as much money from you as possible once they have your contact details.
BitcoinProfit is a scam and always has been. It has never made anyone a profit and the brokers that run it are not even under any liability to pay you if you win as they are untraceable offshore scammers.
It has nothing to do with Elon Musk in reality.