Jane Wicker Flight Attendant

Now we are not certain that Jane Wicker is the person in this photograph, or that they even exist as we could find no verification of this story. From all we could see this beautiful girl is one of thirty of the girls men most want to fly with from some magazine that also appears on Pinterest.
In this case though, she is being used as a phantom flight attendant called Jane Wicker who appears to be a wing walker and looks nothing like this girl. Anyway the story that the Bitcoin Revolution affiliates have cooked up is based upon a flight attendant making a fortune from one or more of their ridiculous get rich quick schemes, Bitcoin Revolution.
Watch out for the latest fake news on Bitcoin Revolution which the brokers that are associated with these fraudulent sites now describe as advertising campaigns even though advertising is regulated and this nonsense is quite simply fraud.
Every link takes you to the same affiliate broker offshore in the Caribbean, which varies depending on where you find the advert. The advantage of these brokers being in the Caribbean is that they can be administered and regulated by a country that uses a lack of regulation as a way of drawing in business. Obviously no one in North America, Australasia or Europe can take legal action against a company registered in St Vincents and the Grenadines and so they make the perfect hide out for your average scammer company. The actual staff so not operate out of here, it is just where they are registered as a legal entity. These companies then mask their servers behind services like cloudflare or other proxy services which means that their internet addresses are not discoverable from the web. This, in turn, means that their server provider and location cannot be discerned either and that shut-down orders have to be made to the domain registrar who will often just explain that they are not liable for the content of websites. This adds an extra level of complexity in getting servers disabled and allows the scammers more time to defraud people.
You can have a look at their affiliate forwarding scammer advert below which is situated on another server which is not behind CloudFlare: