Shipment status for WT1812AS - Spam Warning !!

Shipment status for WT1812AS - Spam Warning !!   v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {b

Shipment status for WT1812AS - Spam Warning !!


Watch out for this email feigning delayed international delivery (trying to catch people ordering from eBay when the UK/USA seller turns out to be in  China.)




From:                                                       xinyue zhang <[email protected]>

Sent:                                                         Monday, June 22, 2020 5:46 AM

To:                                                            Support

Subject:                                                   Shipment status for WT1812AS


The following packages have been delayed. Please check the package label and all the details below. Before the final delivery, the delivery address of the beneficiary must also be confirmed.

Please verify all package details and remember to print customers copy.


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If the key element is missing or entered in the wrong format, the email will be sent to the save area until the key data element can be confirmed. This may cause delays in shipment processing.

The maximum capacity of our mailbox to receive mail is 4M.
From August 1, 2020, all goods will be charged for storage on the 4th working day at the DHL's warehouse (except statutory holidays and weekends), and the charging standard is 0.5 yuan/day/kg (billed weight), less For $50, please press 50&amp; #20803;Receive&#21462.

PEK Gateway Customer Contact Agent
DHL-Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd. 
北京市顺义区金岸西路8 号院,天竺综合保税区国际快件监管中心 C02-32
C02-32 Tian Zhu Free Trade Zone International Express Clearance Center
No.8 Jin An West Road., ShunYi District, Beijing, 101300, P.R.China
Phone: +86(0)10 61464000-4168
Fax:  +86(0)10 61479073
Email:[email protected]
DHL Introduces Charitable Program for Underprivileged Students in ...

This message is from DHL and may contain confidential business information. It is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete this message and any attachment from your system. Unauthorized publication, use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this E-Mail and its attachments is strictly prohibited.



The link[email protected] which the website takes you to is already marked as deceptive by Googe, and we have reported it to MS.

The link takes you through to a fake DHL site that just takes a password twice, and then sends you through to DHL China.


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