You have 6(six) new sharepoint documents - Spam Warning !!
This email has been doing the rounds this week:
Important Sharepoint Document
You have an important file for your approval on company Sharepoint Storage.
This takes you to a forwarding website:[email protected] which fordards you on to this webpage, which is a fairly convincing Microsoft Email logon:[email protected]
Which as you can see has a valid SSL certificate, but no actual website associated with it. The cert is just a free CPanel one and the website itself is registered in the Bahamas to avoid any come back.

Obviously another attempt to compromise your Office 365/Exchange password.
We tried typing in a few rude messages in case they read the results manually - all for the sake of your safety - but the system says no dice every single time.
Perhaps it routes through to the real O365 to verify? I don't see how they could though.
Anyway, keep an eye on the address bar to make sure you are always typing your credentials into the correct domain name/website.
We have reported the above to the big browser men, who will lock them down soon, but as far as we can tell, GDPR and internet regulations allowing ownership of domains to be withheld just makes it easier and easier for these idiots.